Chapter 299

The elixir sold by Yun Jinli was finally sold for 150 million, which was not a low price, but there were still many people who sighed because they did not buy the elixir.

So, Yun Jinli went to the Appreciation Office and took out another five bottles of pills.

"I want to tell everyone a good news. Five additional bottles of the same pill will be auctioned temporarily, but the seller has set the price this time, and each bottle is 150 million. According to the speed of the auction, the top five will win. Now start bidding!"

The host said that as soon as her words fell, someone bid for the auction.

"I want I want!"

In just a short while, all five bottles of pills were sold.

This has happened so quickly, mainly because the frenzy of previous auctions hasn't died down.

Everyone is more and more attached to what they can't get, so when there is an opportunity, they naturally want to grasp it.

In normal times, there is no way for two-star pills to be sold at such a high price.

"You really know how to pick the right time. You are the only one who can sell two-star pills at such a high price, and even sold six bottles at a time."

Su Yehui said with a smile, feeling that she is indeed very clever.

"These pills have sold almost 1000 million."

"It's called striking while the iron is hot!"

Yun Jinli originally planned to buy clothes for Xiao DianDian, but he didn't expect to sell a few bottles of pills, which solved a big problem right now.

She is quite poor now, with this sum of money, after she leaves, they will also have living expenses.

They follow her and do things for her, and she will not treat them badly.

"The further you go, the more likely something good will come out, so the auction will be more exciting in the later stages."

Su Yehui has participated in many auctions. As a craftsman, he needs a lot of materials.Many of these materials come from large and small auctions, and he often makes things and uses them to be auctioned for funds.

The sum of Yun Jinli's money is not as good as the pocket money of those direct descendants of the big family. After a lot of good things come out, she can only look at it.

Old medicines from deep mountains and ancient forests, crystal stones obtained from dangerous swamps, hidden weapons made by the Xiao family, special armor for self-defense and life-saving, precious swords that cut hair and cut hair...

All kinds of treasures are blinded, and most people are unable to compete with the eight major families.

"I used to think I was poor, but now I feel even poorer."

Yun Jinli came here to learn a lot. In the past, she was the noble queen of Qingyun Kingdom. She could buy whatever she liked, and she didn't feel the importance of money.

Now that the phoenix has been reduced to a crow and has nothing, she deeply understands the helplessness of the poor.

"It's good to be poor and ambitious. If you like something, I can buy it for you. You should borrow it from me and return it to me when you grow up."

Su Yehui feels that she is very close to others, she is not like those young ladies from wealthy families who spend money like water, who are always aloof.She has a dignified air about her, but she doesn't make people feel difficult to get along with.

"Okay! If there is someone you like, I will prodigal for you!"

Yun Jinli said with a smile, she knew that Su Yehui was not from a big family, all his money was earned by himself.

Therefore, his generosity is even more commendable.

He looked at the smile on her face at this moment, as if the spring breeze was blowing gently, making people feel warm in their hearts.

He suddenly understood why Young Master Xiao, who had never been close to women, loved this girl so much.

"Then it's time to auction the final finale item!"

The auction has come to an end, and the most important items of the night will be auctioned.

(End of this chapter)

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