Chapter 300 The Powerful Red Dress Woman

After the host's voice fell, the lights on the high platform were suddenly extinguished, and the Seventh Pavilion Auction Hall was plunged into darkness.

Everyone panicked, thinking something happened.

At this moment, a glazed lotus lantern appeared on the high platform, a group of brilliant golden flames.In the dark, this lamp is particularly eye-catching.

The golden flame is shaped like a vermilion bird, dancing on the lotus, it looks amazing.

"This Suzaku glazed lotus lamp has been burning for tens of millions of years. It is a lamp that will never be extinguished. It was discovered by a peerless master of the Seventh Pavilion in a tomb in the ancient times. The lamp is still burning. This flame is not afraid of water and fire, and does not need lamp oil, which is extremely miraculous."

When the host talked about the origin of this lamp, everyone was in an uproar.

"It has long been heard that a desolate tomb was discovered in the Seventh Pavilion, but many people entered it, and most of them were folded inside."

Someone said that this incident was still a sensation, and it seemed to be true.

"Some people in our clan were also invited to explore the tomb and hunt for treasures together, but unfortunately none of them came back alive."

"Yes! At that time, many clan elders were tempted to go there, and they didn't know whether they were dead or alive. It was a secret in the clan, and we juniors didn't know it."

"I don't know who brought out this lamp?"

"That must be a peerless master!"


Yun Jinli listened to everyone's discussion and learned some information.

"It seems that this lamp is the ever-burning lamp in the tomb! Those who can obtain this lamp, it means that they have arrived at the main tomb."

"I've heard young master Xiao mention this matter before. This ancient tomb was discovered by the Seventh Pavilion, and all the clans were invited to go in and explore it together. It is said that countless clan elders from all major forces went in and did not come out, causing panic."

Su Yehui said in a low voice, the two sat in a corner, and there were no people around, so it was convenient for them to talk.

The Seventh Pavilion could have gone alone to explore the ancient tomb, but the news leaked out, so we could only invite everyone to go in together, so as not to make people jealous and become public enemies.

It's just that no one expected this ancient tomb to be so dangerous, and so many seniors fell into it deeply.

If all these seniors died, it would be a big earthquake.

"and after?"

Yun Jinli asked curiously, she couldn't feel the temperature of this lamp, presumably it was specially designed for the ancient tomb.

"In the end, the owner of the Seventh Pavilion invited an expert to enter the ancient tomb and rescued those clan elders. This lamp should be brought out by that expert."

Su Yehui spoke.

"That expert is a real expert! He is much better than those clan elders."

Yun Jinli yearned endlessly in her heart, wondering if she could one day become the strongest, look down on the world, and be fearless of everything.

"Young Master Xiao said that the tall man was a woman, and that woman was wearing a blood-colored begonia dress, and she was shockingly beautiful. But what is strange is that she is clearly in front of everyone, but no one can remember her Some people even say that the aura emanating from that woman is more terrifying than that of the ancient tomb."

Su Yehui heard all these from Xiao Zhang, and he was also extremely curious about the woman in the red dress.

"There is such a miraculous thing! I guess the woman didn't want people to see her appearance and erased their memories."

At this moment, Yun Jinli is more interested in the woman in the red dress that Su Yehui was talking about. As for this lamp, although she is very interested, it is a pity that she really cannot afford it.

"The base price of this lamp is 8000 million, and each price increase is no less than 100 million. Start now!"

Hearing this price, everyone gasped for a while, but there were still bids for such a high price.

(End of this chapter)

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