The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 303 Nine Dragon God Fire Town Magic Lamp

Chapter 303

"This little demon girl must have done something wrong, I can't let her escape!"

Lou Min has countless hunting spirits and has never made a mistake. After doubting his life, he felt that there was still something wrong with Yun Jinli, so he continued to track her down.

His figure was like a ghost, and his speed was as fast as lightning. In a short while, he caught up with Yun Jinli again.

"Little demon girl, stop for me!"

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Yun Jinli's arm, saying that he would make her appear.

"Go down this Zijin town demon talisman, let's see if you, little demon girl, still show your original shape!"

He quickly pasted a talisman on Yun Jinli's head, making her furious.

"Hey! I'm such a big living person standing in front of you, and you just want to say that I'm not human. I'll teach you how to be a human right now!"

Yun Jinli tore off the Zijin Demon Town Talisman, stuffed it into his sleeve, and then held the Yuhong sword and fell towards him.

"This demon is too strong, even the Zijin Town Demon Talisman can't do anything to her!"

Lou Yu had never encountered such a troublesome monster and ghost, so he immediately waited for it.

The two started fighting in the forest. He was a powerful spirit hunter, and he didn't get any advantage under the sword of this little girl.

"Sure enough, she is a little demon girl, otherwise, how could she be so powerful at such an age!"

Hearing his words, Yun Jinli almost wanted to scold her.

"Are you brain-dead?"

While the two were fighting, they didn't notice the blood-red mist rising around them, covering the woods.

A dangerous aura spread, Yun Jinli felt uneasy and did not continue to fight with this guy.

Lou Min also keenly sensed the danger, and immediately raised a lamp, which was suspended above his head.

There are nine fire dragons coiled around this lamp, and the flames are fierce, just like a dragon dancing.

The blood-red mist did not dare to approach the place where the magic lamp of the Nine Dragons Shenhuo town was shining.

Seeing that the lamp was so easy to use, Yun Jinli didn't care so much, and immediately moved over and stood in the area covered by the light.

"Huh? You have a shadow!"

When Lou Min saw her move over and saw her shadow under the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Lamp, his expression was a little stiff.

This girl is not afraid of this light, isn't she really a ghost?

You must know that the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Lamp is the most feared thing for demons and ghosts. There is a purple flame burning in the sky in this lamp. It is said that it can burn the sky and boil the sea, and wipe out the evil spirits.

"I'm not as knowledgeable as a fool. What kind of Louye, I think it's almost like an ant."

Yun Jinli's faint words made Lou Min's face turn pale and pale.

"漜, Yinye, means mud."

Lou Yu condensed his name with his spiritual power. The word has the same pronunciation as Ye, but it is a very rare word.

"That's a good name, it suits you. Because your head is full of mud! So don't talk to me, lest it lower my IQ."

Yun Jinli stayed under the light of others, but she still didn't forget to say a few words to him.

Who asked him to meet her for the first time, it was such an unpleasant scene.

"You little girl really don't know good from bad, didn't I just read it wrong? Do you need to hold grudges like this?"

Lou Yu said embarrassingly, he was really embarrassed when he made a wrong judgment for the first time.

"I never hold grudges, I will avenge any grudges on the spot!"

Lou Min was stunned by Yun Jinli's beautiful voice and what she said.

He is the head of the younger generation of spirit hunters, and anyone who sees him respectfully calls him master.

This little girl is so crazy that she doesn't take him as a spirit hunter seriously.

Looking at her cute little face, he felt so angry!
"The mud upstairs, I'm going over there, and I'll borrow your lamp for a while."

Yun Jinli sensed that Bei Chenjue was not far away, and the place was too dangerous now, and the only way to pass safely was with the help of his lamp, so she tugged at the corner of his clothes.

"What kind of mud upstairs! What's your bad name? The little girl has no manners at all!"

Lou Min's calmness and rationality disappeared in an instant.

"Then it's polite for you to call me Little Demon Girl?"

Yun Jinli blinked her eyes with an innocent look on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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