Chapter 304 This guy is not too bad

"You're not very old, aren't you just a brat? Don't think that you can cover up your childishness by pretending to be an old man. That's called self-deception!"

Yun Jinli glanced at him, he was obviously a young man, and he insisted on looking depressed.

His appearance was clearly reflected in Yun Jinli's eyes in the light of the magic lantern in Jiulong Shenhuo Town.

With wheat-colored skin, it seems that he is often on the go.A pair of slender and sharp eyes, like goshawks in the cold night starlight, domineering and lonely.

Wearing a dark blue windbreaker on the outside, and a tights on the inside, revealing muscular arms, his hands are extremely rough, but full of explosive power.

His long hair was unfettered and hung over his shoulders, giving him the appearance of a burly man.

"You dare to curse! Believe it or not, I can crush your little arms and legs?"

Lou Min said in a bad tone, it was the first time he was scolded so badly, this little girl's film obviously didn't contain any dirty words, but she was able to make her angry half dead.

"I never swear at people, and those I swear at are not human beings."

While talking, Yun Jinli dragged him towards Bei Chenjue's direction, but he stopped suddenly, forcing her to stop too.

"I don't have the same knowledge as you little thing! I'm leaving!"

Lou Min could not be said to be Yun Jinli, he usually only dealt with monsters and goblins, and his eloquence was far from Yun Jinli's opponent.

He can't mess with her, can't he hide?

It was his bad luck today to meet such a difficult little thing.

"Aren't you a spirit hunter who exorcises demons and protects the way? Let me figure it out. There are evil things over there, so I will reluctantly go and take a look with you, lest you be afraid of the pitch black here."

How could Yun Jinli let him go? After he left, who would light the lamp for her?
The most important thing is that his lamp is very easy to use, and he dare not approach the terrible blood mist outside.

"I'm afraid? A joke! I have been sleeping in the cemetery since I was a child, how could I be afraid of the dark?"

Lou Min curled his lips and said disdainfully.

He naturally felt the strangeness of this place, but it was inconvenient for him to move around with such a small oil bottle.So after planning to take her out, he went to check it out alone.

"Since napping in the cemetery, it turns out that you are the ghost!"

Yun Jinli said suddenly, giving Lou Miao the urge to beat someone up.

"Men are duplicity. You say you are not afraid, but you want to escape outside! If you have the guts, go in with me and have a look. If you don't have the guts, hurry up and slip away. Sister, I will go there by myself."

As she spoke, she walked towards the outside, but just after she left the area covered by the magic lantern of Jiulong Shenhuo town, she felt the biting cold outside.

Ordinary people are terrified and unable to bear this terrifying bloody yin energy, but she has yin and yang flowers on her body, so she is not afraid.

"You don't want to die!"

When Lou Min saw that she had left the range of the light and entered the blood mist, she was also taken aback by her, and pulled her in.

"You little girl, what are you doing in a place like this in the middle of the night?"

Where would a normal person run to the dense forest outside the city alone in such a late night.

If his guess is correct, there should be mass graves nearby, otherwise there would be no such terrible Yin Qi.

"My friend is here, I came to find him."

As Yun Jinli walked forward, Lou Min had no choice but to keep up with her. This place was so dangerous, he couldn't just leave him dead.

"Your friend... is it a human or a ghost?"

There was a "thump" in Lou Min's heart. Would the friends in the mass grave be a little too scary?
"you guess!"

Yun Jinli pursed her lips and smiled, seeing him closely following her, letting the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Town Magic Lantern envelope her all the time, the bad feeling towards him was also eliminated a lot.

This guy doesn't seem too bad!

Except for being a little brainless.

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(End of this chapter)

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