Chapter 305 I Accept That Talisman

The night was extremely quiet, except for the sound of footsteps, there was no sound of birds and cicadas, it was a bit strangely quiet.

The dense leaves of the trees blocked the moon like pear blossoms on the treetops in the dark blue sky, and even a shred of moonlight could not penetrate into the forest.

The pitch-black forest, the ground is covered with dead branches and rotten leaves.

A lamp floated in the forest and flew towards the mass grave.

Seeing this scene from a distance will make people frightened.

"Little thing, you are not afraid of such a horror! This is too abnormal..."

Lou Min, the spirit hunter, has seen all kinds of people, and many people who asked him for help looked panic-stricken.

But this little thing seems to be very courageous.

Walking in such a scary place, she acted like nothing happened.

"Isn't it the dead? The living are not afraid of the dead, but you are afraid of the dead?"

Yun Jinli stepped on a white bone, and there was a crisp "crack" sound of the bone breaking, which was especially clear here.

"Sorry, I didn't see Xiongtai!"

As she spoke, she kicked the bone into a pile of wormwood, so as not to be stepped on again.

When Lou Min saw her kicking fiercely, why did he think that this little girl was so domineering?
"It seems that the mass grave has arrived."

Yun Jinli saw that there were corpses everywhere, and the forest had retreated behind him. In front of him, there were many unburied remains on the black mountain ridge and in the sunken valley bottom.

A vulture was gnawing on the corpse, and when it saw someone approaching, it showed a lot of hostility and looked at its prey.

If the lamp above their heads was not too intimidating, Yun Jinli would have no doubt that it would rush towards them directly.


A gust of cold wind blew by, and it was chillingly cold.

Even though it was summer, this place was as cold as winter.

The messy little tombs, the charred and dead branches, and the thin-skinned coffin exposed outside the loess are all creepy.

The thin moonlight shone here became cold and strange.

At this time, there seemed to be movement in a small grave in front of me, the loess was loosening, as if something was about to crawl out.

A hand suddenly appeared on Yun Jinli's shoulder and patted her.

She was taken aback, and when she turned her head, she saw a face.

"Jue, people scare people, scare people to death!"

Seeing Bei Chenjue appearing behind her, Yun Jinli let out a long breath of relief.

She is quite courageous, but in this kind of place, being patted on the shoulder suddenly is a super scary thing.

"Little thing, I thought you were fearless!"

When Lou Min saw the man who appeared suddenly, he approached so silently that even he didn't notice.

However, seeing Yun Jinli's shocked appearance made him feel inexplicably happy.

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

He looked at Bei Chenjue vigilantly, this should be the friend in the mass grave that Xiaoxiong said.

"Have you ever seen such a handsome ghost?"

Bei Chenjue brought Yun Jinli to his side, and he also sensed that she was nearby, so he came here.

"This seat has never seen such a narcissistic person."

Lou Min felt his breath, this is a very strong man.

"Little thing, give me back my talisman."

He remembered that the Zijin Town Demon Talisman was still in Yun Jinli's hands, so he begged for it.

"Why give it to you! You stick it on my head, it's mine, I accept that talisman!"

Yun Jinli said darkly, it was a good thing, so she decided to leave secretly.

"You little thing is too shameless."

When Lou Min heard her words, he was so angry that he couldn't breathe smoothly.

This little thing is harder to handle than a ghost!

"Shameless is a quality! Thank you for the compliment!"

Yun Jinli cupped her hands, then looked at Bei Chenjue.

"Jue, are you robbing graves here in the middle of the night?"

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(End of this chapter)

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