The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 306 This Is Simply God's Guess

Chapter 306 This Is Simply God's Guess

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Bei Chenjue choked on Yun Jinli's words, it was a divine guess!
How could he, the majestic Prince Beichen, rob the tomb at the mass grave?
"Ajin, you have some weird ideas in your little head. Even if you want to rob a tomb, you have to pick a place with excellent Fengshui!"

Mass burial mounds are mounds where no one manages to bury corpses. All those buried are extinct households, or died of violent deaths, so this place is the most weird.But in this kind of place, there won't be any precious funeral objects.

"It seems that you are very experienced!"

Yun Jinli nodded and said seriously.

Bei Chenjue glanced at her speechlessly, why does this girl seem to be very interested in tomb robbery.

"Where were you just now? Why didn't we see you when we came?"

Lou Min asked seriously, this place has become very dangerous now, if this person appeared here in the middle of the night, there must be something wrong.

Bei Chenjue looked indifferent, ignored Lou Min, and walked towards the depths of the mass grave with Yun Jinli.

"Hey, I'm asking you something, you really... don't even look at this place! Just leave as soon as you say, you're too capricious!"

Lou Min saw them walking towards the depths of the mass grave, he would not meddle in this business normally, but now it is very unusual here.

Whether it was the bloody mist before, or the restless earthen grave here before, it made him feel that something was wrong.

The job of a spirit hunter is to slay demons and eliminate demons, so he can't ignore it.

"Wait for me! Without this seat by your side, I don't know how I died..."

he called from behind, hastening to follow the two of them.

"Ajin, why are you here?"

Bei Chenjue took Yun Jinli's hand, making her feel the chill all over her body disappear.

"I see that you have been elusive these days, so come and take a look! I thought you were a treasure in the golden house, but I didn't expect you to hang around in the mass grave."

Yun Jinli sighed, this is not a good place for a date, it seems that she is thinking too much.

"Recently, my subordinates have mysteriously disappeared one after another around here. I'm here to investigate and see if there are any clues."

Bei Chenjue explained, lest he think he had an appointment with the female ghost.

"I see."

After hearing his answer, Yun Jinli knew the reason why he had been outside for the past few days.

Thinking about it, this matter is very tricky, and he has not found any clues for the time being.

"I followed their tracks all the way to here, and then lost their traces. I only saw some scattered hairs on the ground, with their residual breath on them."

Bei Chenjue circled here, trying to find his subordinates.

"You two are really newborn calves not afraid of tigers. This place is too dangerous, and the night gets darker and scarier. It's better for you to leave quickly."

Lou Min caught up with them and warned solemnly.

"If you are afraid, you can go first, we still need to find someone."

Yun Jinli said.

"There are only ghosts here, no one! If you are looking for someone, you are in the wrong place."

Lou Min saw that they were getting deeper and deeper into this place, and it would be too late if they didn't leave.

The surrounding air is getting heavier and heavier, almost making this place look like an ice cave.

"Jue, look there is a flower there."

Yun Jinli pulled the corner of Labei Chenjue's clothes, and pointed to a black flower in the valley.

Thick branches, with blood-red palm-shaped leaves, rhizomes and branches are bright red.There is a large black and red flower in the center, and the petals glow with a strange red light, which can be seen even in the dark.

This flower is nestled on the branch like an oolong, and the blood-red edge seems to be stained with blood.

"Look under that flower."

She found that there were scattered black hairs under the flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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