The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 318 The Patriarch of Xiling Arrived in Yunchuan

Chapter 318 The Patriarch of Xiling Arrived in Yunchuan

When Yun Jinli was dining at Jinyue Lianhua, Su Yehui had already signed up.

"Xiao Jin, you are really clever. The person who finally took pictures of that lamp yesterday was the woman you mentioned."

Last night, he told Xiao Zhang about the Longyuan Holy Mansion, and he also got support, so he came to sign up early in the morning.

As soon as Yun Jinli and the others left, he had already arrived, so he knew that she was in Jinyue Lianhua at the moment.

"Not only do I know that it was the woman who took the picture of the lamp last, but I also know that the owner of the lamp is not that woman."

Thinking of the white birds that filled the sky last night, if there were no other pedestrians on the road, I am afraid that there would be countless deaths and injuries in the pass.

That woman is not a good stubble, and her strength is frighteningly high.

"Oh? Then who is the owner of that lamp?"

Su Yehui also sat at the side and ordered a breakfast.

"Actually, I don't know who he is."

Yun Jinli only met the man in purple yesterday. He was wearing a mask, and she didn't even see him.

But if she saw him again, she would definitely recognize him.

Because he is special.

She was on the road at the time, and he could have cared about her life or death, but he was worried that she was an ordinary person and would be torn apart by those birds, so he took her with him.

It was precisely because he wanted to help her that she didn't blame him even though he was implicated and ran away together.

The most important thing is that the kid is very good at being a man, and he shared the spoils with her, and she likes that jade tripod very much.

Liangmei walked to Yun Jinli's side and whispered something in her ear.

"I'm done eating, Ruoxin, you can take some back home, I have to go out to do some errands."

Yun Jinli got the news from Liang Mei that the ancestors of the Xiling tribe had arrived in Yunchuan City.

This speed is quite fast, it seems that he cares about Xilingtian very much.

"Eat slowly."

She left Jinyue Lianhua in a hurry, and when she learned that the ancestor of the Xiling tribe was outside the city, she hurried over immediately.

Sure enough, the ancestors of the Xiling tribe were found in the west of the city. They were looking for clues, so the group dispersed.

Yun Jinli felt that one of the old men contained an incomparably powerful force, and from the inner thoughts of the others, she learned that the identity of this old man was the ancestor of Xiling.

After confirming his identity, she sent a message to him with spiritual power.

"Xi Lingtian is not dead, just to avoid startling others, you come here alone to pick him up at midnight. I am a friend of Xilingtian, and you will know if this is true or not at midnight. Remember, don't let others know , the enemy that is hard to guard against is by your side."

The patriarch of Xiling saw this transmission of spiritual power and immediately erased all traces without revealing any difference.

He has lived for such a long time, so he is naturally a fine person.

He has confidence in his own strength, and he is not afraid if the other party wants to harm him.

But Xiling Tian is the hope of the Xiling people, there must be no mistakes!
After Yun Jinli sent a message to the ancestor of Xiling, she returned to her residence and told Xilingtian about her arrangement.

"Jin, if tonight goes well, I will return to the ancient country of Dragon Soul. I don't know when we will meet again."

Xilingtian is very grateful that she has done so much for him, and every time he is in danger, she is the one who helps him.

He will never forget this friendship.

"After I go back, I will be in retreat. I'm not sure whether it will be a year or a few years. You have to take good care of yourself, and I want to see you again."

"I brewed a jar of wine for you! After you go back, bury it, and you can taste it after you leave the customs."

Yun Jinli took out a jug of wine and handed it to Xilingtian as a parting gift.

"I'll go with you tonight, so as not to have any accidents."

(End of this chapter)

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