The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 319 Investigate the truth of the year

Chapter 319 Investigate the truth of the year

After discussing the details with Xilingtian, Yun Jinli went to investigate Huafu secretly.

She has signed up to participate in the assessment of Longyuan Saint Mansion, so she has to solve the matter of Hua Mansion as soon as possible.

First of all, she wants to find out the truth of the year, why Hua Nu was expelled from the Hua Mansion and was abandoned. If Hua Nu is said to be a disaster, who said it and who instructed it?
She has to find out all these, and then find out the real culprit behind the scenes.

She sneaked into the Huafu, wearing a veil on her face, then grabbed a servant and asked where the steward Hua was.

At this moment, the housekeeper who has stayed in the Hua family for more than ten years is looking at the things to be bought in each house and courtyard.

Yun Jinli appeared behind him, and a burst of fragrance wafted over, making him a little groggy and weak all over.

Immediately afterwards, a blade touched his neck, and the cold blade made him tremble all over.

"Whatever I ask, you answer. If you dare to lie, your head will fall to the ground immediately."

A woman's voice came from behind, and he quickly responded.

"Excuse me, female hero, I'll say anything, just ask."

The butler is very tactful, knowing that he is being attacked by surprise, has been drugged by an unknown drug, and is obviously at a disadvantage, so it is better to pretend to cooperate.

"Who is the mother of the young lady who was kicked out of the house by the so-called calamity star? Why was she called the calamity star? What happened back then?"

Yun Jinli asked, she wanted to find out the identity of the original owner of her body.

She felt that the matter was not that simple, the attitude of Patriarch Hua towards Hua Nu was too indifferent.

The so-called tiger's poison does not eat its children, but he treated her so viciously, which made him suspicious.

"Who are you? Why are you asking about Missy!"

The housekeeper said with a solemn expression, feeling that this person might be related to the dead lady.

"Now I'm the one who asks you to answer. If you don't answer, I will let you go down to accompany her now!"

When Yun Jinli moved the blade in his hand, blood flowed from the housekeeper's neck. Feeling the ruthlessness of her knife, the housekeeper's heart trembled and he was shocked.

He could feel the fierce and murderous aura on her body, which definitely came out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

"Yes... when Missy was born, there was an ominous sign of a blood-empty day. So I invited the eminent monk from Dongling Temple to come, and the eminent monk Huikong came to the mansion and said that Missy is a disaster star. You can't leave her behind if you can't keep your father or your mother or your relatives and friends."

The housekeeper spoke as if he was telling the truth, but how could Yun Jinli be so easy to deceive.

He deliberately mispronounced the name of the eminent monk, but he was complacent in his heart.

The eminent monk who came here was named Hui Wu, and it was suggested by Shen Tang, a concubine at the time.And that Shen Tang was very favored by the master, he was the most favored among all the concubines at that time, and he also gave birth to a son.

"What does Shen Tang have to do with you? Do you have an affair?"

Yun Jinli learned from his heart that all of this was related to a woman named Shen Tang, which seemed tricky.

"Shen Tang is the current mistress of our Hua family. I'm just a little housekeeper, so how can I have anything to do with her?"

The butler was sweating coldly on his forehead. Hearing her question, he was a little panicked.

No one will know about the matter of him and Shen Tang secretly discussing Chen Cang.

Even Hua Rumeng, the illegitimate daughter of him and Shen Tang, had been secretly fostered under the name of Prince Hua.

"Back then, the mistress of the Hua family died of dystocia. Did Shen Tang play tricks in the dark? Are you trying to plot the position of the mistress of the Hua family?"

Yun Jinli yelled and asked, and learned that Hua Simeng was the daughter of Steward Hua, and felt that things were more interesting than she imagined.

"The mistress was killed by the eldest lady, and it has nothing to do with us."

Steward Hua hurriedly said that outsiders didn't know that the mistress of the Hua family was actually locked up by the head of the house, but only said that she was dead.

"Huanu's mother is still alive!"

Yun Jinli got such an important clue!

(End of this chapter)

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