Chapter 320

Mind reading is not effective for people who are stronger than her or have strong willpower.

Yun Jinli didn't go to Patriarch Hua because she was not as strong as Patriarch Hua, so she chose Steward Hua.

Unexpectedly, the housekeeper Hua knew more secrets, at least Patriarch Hua didn't know how big a green hat was on his head, it was so green that it was about to grow hair.

"Where is the grave of your former mistress?"

Yun Jinli asked without mentioning the secret that she knew that her mother was still alive.

She was just guiding Hua Steward to think of the former mistress, so that she would know more about her.

"The mistress and the head of the house are deeply in love with each other. The tomb of the mistress is naturally in the Hua family's ancestral grave."

Steward Hua opened his eyes and told nonsense, thinking that the woman was now locked in a dark and secret cell, enduring loneliness.

"I heard that your Hua family has a secret cell, which is dedicated to detaining criminals who have offended you."

Yun Jinli said slowly, as if she just casually mentioned this matter.

"The cell is in the southwest corner of our Huafu."

The housekeeper Hua was so cunning and cunning that he revealed the prison cell on the face of Hua's mansion.

In fact, there is also a secret prison in the Hua Mansion, and only the owner of the Hua family knows where it is.

Back then, Patriarch Hua doted on Mistress very much, but he didn't know what happened, so he stopped doting on her.

Perhaps only Patriarch Hua and Shen Tang knew this secret, as for the maids and guards who knew about it back then, they were all silenced.

He knew that Shen Tang must know something, after all, she was the pillow of Patriarch Hua, and she was also the mistress of Patriarch Hua.

"Now look at the chain in my hand, I'll count to three and you'll forget what just happened."

Yun Jinli used hypnotism to make Butler Hua forget what happened.




When Steward Hua woke up, he felt a pain in his neck, and when he reached out to touch it, there were bloodstains.

But he couldn't remember what happened, and he couldn't help but panic.

After Yun Jinli left from the flower steward, she did not leave the Hua mansion, but secretly found the residence of Shen Tang, the current new mistress of the Hua family.

As long as you catch a maid on the way, you can easily know where she lives.

Although there are experts stationed in the Huafu, she did not go to the treasure house or some forbidden areas, so no one would find out.

"Auntie, the Jade Cauldron I bought yesterday was originally meant to be a tribute to you, but that nasty little thief actually stole it while I was asleep. I'm so mad!"

Hua Simeng was sitting beside Shen Tang acting like a spoiled child. Her aunt loved her very much since she was a child, so she was raised to be arrogant and domineering.

Shen Tang went back to her mother's house before, and learned that Hua Simeng was sick, so she rushed back.

"Don't worry, Meng'er, my aunt has already sent someone to investigate. Anyone who dares to offend our Hua family in Yunchuan City is asking for trouble. My aunt heard that you were sick, so she came here to see you. Now, let's see how you look." , it should be great, right?"

Shen Tang took Hua Simeng's hand and said with a loving face.

Beside her was a young man with a sallow complexion, looking at Hua Simeng's coquettish appearance, with a look of covetousness on his face.

"What's wrong with Meng'er, my cousin will make the decision for you! Whoever makes you unhappy, my cousin will kill him for you!"

The man looks like a dandy, but his appearance is very ordinary. If you look closely, you can still see a bit of resemblance to Hua Steward.

"Could it be that this is also a small wild species?"

Yun Jinli observed them in the dark with his spiritual sense, and seeing the appearance of the second young master of the Hua family, he couldn't help but think of this.

She has seen Patriarch Hua's appearance before, and this person is nothing like Patriarch Hua.

(End of this chapter)

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