Chapter 321 Toad eats swan meat

"It's not that little bitch, he's already dead, and he still haunts me!"

Hua Simeng said resentfully, if she wasn't wearing the amulet now, she wouldn't know how long she would be tortured by that nightmare.

"Meng'er, don't worry, Uncle has already hired a spirit hunter, and he will definitely let that little bitch go to dust and not be reborn! Her mother was a disaster back then, and this little bitch is just as disgusting as her mother." Extremely."

Shen Tang said with a look of jealousy that she was still a concubine back then, and she had to salute and greet that woman when she saw her.

But now that she is imprisoned in a dark cell, only despair is with her, and it is a pleasure to think about it.

"The more troublesome thing than meeting a shrew is meeting two shrews at the same time. These two are indeed mother and daughter. I don't believe it if they are not biological!"

Yun Jinli said silently in her heart, they are really vicious, they won't let anyone die.

"Meng'er, you beat that little slut to death, you really gave a bad breath on behalf of my aunt. Back then, I kept that little slut just to torture her. Now that I hear the news of that little slut's death, I'm really sorry." Looking forward to seeing her expression!"

There was a sinister smile on Shen Tang's face. Originally, the master wanted to kill the two mothers and daughters, but she let the master keep alive and torture them.

Now that so many years have passed, she is really a little bored.

"Auntie, who are you talking about?"

Hua Simeng asked suspiciously, not knowing that the former mistress of the Hua family was still alive.

"You don't need to know about this dream. Auntie has something to go out, so you can let your cousin talk with you at home to relieve boredom."

Shen Tang said, he couldn't wait to see the woman, and how she would react when she heard the news of her daughter's death.

Seeing Shen Tang leave, Yun Jinli followed her.

"Meng'er, cousin, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are really charming!"

The second young master of the Hua family rubbed his palms, drooling as he looked at Hua Simeng.

He usually spends all day in Huajie and Liuxiang, and his body, which was originally in good shape, was broken by himself.

He stretched out his hand to hold Hua Simeng's hand, and touched her palm wretchedly. The slippery touch made the smile on his face even more rippling.

"I heard that Yu Shao retired, but don't be sad, that kid doesn't know how to appreciate you, and I love you dearly."

He touched her little hand fondly, and said lewdly.


Hua Simeng slapped the second youngest of the Hua family on the face, looking at his ugly face, she felt sick.

"Take a piss and see how you look, can you compare with Yu Shao? Don't wishful thinking, the toad wants to eat swan meat!"

She slapped him to the ground, and walked away.

"You little bitch, wait for me!"

The eyes of the second young master of the Hua family revealed a look of unwillingness. If it wasn't for his strength being inferior to Hua Simeng, how could she have let her go so easily.

Hua Simeng asked Shen Tang's whereabouts, and followed her, wanting to know what secret she had.

The carriage Shen Tang was riding in traveled all the way out of the city, and finally arrived at Dongling Temple.

Yun Jinli has been following her from a distance, so as not to startle the snake.

Seeing Shen Tang entering the temple, she quickly followed her with her spiritual knowledge so as not to lose her.

The incense in this Dongling Temple was very strong, and there were many pilgrims coming and going, so it wouldn't be strange for Shen Tang to come here.

After she entered the temple, instead of offering incense in the main hall, she went to a meditation room and knocked on the door.

A monk walked out of the meditation room, wearing cassock, with a compassionate look.

"Master Huiwu!"

"Benefactor Shen Tang, please come inside quickly!"

Seeing Shen Tang's arrival, the monk had an uncontrollable joy on his face, and immediately brought her into the meditation room.

(End of this chapter)

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