The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 330 The Witness of Our Friendship

Chapter 330 The Witness of Our Friendship

"What a beautiful bead!"

Yun Jinli looked at the crystal bead in his hand, there were snowflakes dancing inside, it looked very beautiful.

She generously accepted the snow crystal bead pendant, tied it around her waist, and put it together with the half-moon jade pendant.

"Sugar daddy is indeed the gentlest way to steal from the rich and give to the poor. I am a poor man, so I have nothing to give you. You are a medicine psychic. Let me give you a roll of pills!"

Yun Jinli condensed the contents of the pill volume in the "Dan Zun Poison Sutra" into a brand and passed it on to Feng Liuyue.

Feng Liuyue saved her mother, and she could not repay such a great kindness. Although the contents of the scroll were precious, Yun Jinli felt that she was worth having.

"This gift means a lot to me, thank you, Xiao Li'er!"

Feng Liuyue didn't expect Yun Jinli to give her such a precious gift. She didn't expect anything in return, but she was moved by seeing her do her best to save her mother.

Such a loving and righteous woman made her feel very appreciated.

"I'll give you another gift another day as a testimony of our friendship."

Yun Jinli saw the snowflake crystal beads hanging from her waist, and wanted to give her a small thing in exchange.

"Well. I will come for a follow-up visit in a few days. Your mother's body is seriously damaged. It will take three days to break out of the cocoon and wake up."

After Feng Liuyue finished explaining, she said goodbye and left.

Yun Jinli sent her to the door, feeling very curious about Feng Liuyue.

She looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, but she turned out to be a seven-star medicine spirit master. If she said it, she would scare a lot of medicine spirit masters.

She returned to the bamboo garden, Ruan Qinghe was still dispensing medicine in the room.

She prepared some medicinal materials, and planned to give her a medicinal bath after the madam woke up.

"For the next few days, you should stay in the house that Mo Yu cleaned up. I will stay here and take care of my mother."

Yun Jinli didn't know what would happen to her mother in the past few days, so she didn't dare to leave her alone.

She suspected that this person was her concubine mother, because the red lotus ring she wore was exactly the same as that worn by her concubine mother.

When the concubine mother died of illness when she was young, the illness came so suddenly that she was caught off guard.

Perhaps, the concubine mother is not dead at all!

"Jin'er has a lot of things to do, Madam will leave it to me to take care of her, you don't need to worry."

Ruan Qinghe said thoughtfully that she has practiced medicine for many years and is very good at taking care of patients.

"That's right! Miss Jin and I will take care of Madam, so there's no need for Miss Jin to worry."

Cui Dai said with a smile, how disturbing they are living here, and being able to share some things for her can also make her feel at ease.

"Then trouble you!"

Yun Jinli felt relieved when she thought that she would accompany Xilingtian to see the ancestor of Xiling at night, and that her mother would stay here and be taken care of by Ruan Qinghe.

"Miss Jin, the house has been tidied up, come and see what else needs to be added."

Mo Yu spoke.

"I gonna go see."

Yun Jinli saw that this residence was not far from the Painting Building and the Bamboo Garden, it was in the middle, and the location was chosen very much to her liking.

The inside of the house was cleaned very clean, and bedding and daily necessities were also laid out.

"Mother likes red plums, so she hangs cloth with patterns of red plums on the curtains. There is also a vase on the table with some fresh flowers. Mother likes to enjoy flowers."

Yun Jinli's conditions were limited, but she still wanted to make her mother feel comfortable when she woke up.


Mo Yu wrote down her words, and then went to buy.

Yun Jinli went to the Seventh Pavilion and bought a few sets of clothes suitable for her mother. She specially chose very comfortable fabrics and asked her to change and wash them at that time.

She also chose a red plum hairpin for her mother to match the long dress she chose with white snow and red plums.

After folding all the clothes in the closet and setting up the dressing table, Yun Jinli went to Xilingtian's residence.

"Xiaotian, let's go!"

 I recommend a super good-looking book to everyone. It is "The Queen of Gamblers" by Geer's sister Xianmei. I hope everyone will support Xiaoxianer a lot!The writing is super beautiful, and the hero and heroine are very loving!Don't miss it!


(End of this chapter)

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