Chapter 331 I Won't Forget You

"The genius is just dark, and we're going there so quickly? Isn't the appointed time midnight?"

Xilingtian looked at the sky, it was just dark.

"Let's go there early and prepare, in case of any accident, we won't be too passive."

Yun Jinli said that she didn't completely trust the ancestor of Xiling.


Xilingtian had no objection to this, but Yun Jinli was more thoughtful.

When they wanted to leave, Xiao DianDian was waiting for them at the door.

"Brother Xiaotian is leaving, and I'll see him off too."

Xiao DianDian waved towards Xi Lingtian at the door and watched him leave.

"We will meet again in the future."

Xi Lingtian smiled at Xiao DianDian, looking at his small figure with a small lantern in his hand, he felt very warm.

The light from the little lantern illuminated his heart.

The two of them sneaked into the night, and when they reached the west mountain outside the city, the bamboo forest was swaying like a green gauze.


The soft sound of bamboo leaves rubbing together made the mood calm down.

"I have some ordinary spirit stones here, and I should be able to set up a magic circle."

Yun Jinli took some spirit stones to Xilingtian to set up the magic circle.

"Let's set up a Qianzhu trapped dragon formation, you come with me, just to try the formation technique I taught you."

After Xilingtian cultivated, his spirit has improved a lot.

"Okay! I happen to have a master here to teach me!"

Yun Jinli sketched out the formation in his mind, and as Xilingtian set the first point, Yun Jinli began to set up the formation.

Although these spirit stones are not the best, they are enough for formation.

When they finished setting up the magic circle, they sat on the hill together and looked at the bright moon and stars in the sky.

"Jin, next time you see me again, maybe I'm not the Xilingtian you know anymore."

Xilingtian knows what inheritance means, and he will become more and more like the ancestors of the Xiling tribe, as if the ancestors were reborn.

The only difference is that his soul will merge with his ancestors.

"I will always remember you, and you can't forget me either! We made a promise!"

Yun Jinli reached out her hand and tickled him.

"After you pull the hook, it's an agreement, and you can't go back on your word."

"it is good!"

Xilingtian nodded, he will never forget her!
"someone is coming."

They are in the eyes of the big formation, and they can feel anyone coming.

"It's the ancestor."

Xilingtian saw someone coming, it was the ancestor of Xiling, he arrived here ahead of schedule.

"nobody else."

"I don't know if your ancestors are reliable?"

This was what Yun Jinli was worried about. If the patriarch of Xiling had malicious intentions towards Xilingtian, he would be in danger if he went there.

"Don't worry, he won't betray the Xiling tribe."

Xilingtian believed in the ancestor of Xiling. He had been protecting the Xiling clan all his life. Anyone might betray him, but he would not.

"Then you go there! Be careful, if you have any problems, just activate the big formation and you will be able to escape."

Yun Jinli nodded and warned him.

Xilingtian took two steps, then turned around abruptly, and embraced her in his arms.

Going to say goodbye now, I don't know when and what month I will be able to see her again, he really doesn't want to give up.

"Jin, I will never forget you!"

Yun Jinli was taken aback by his hug, she just took it as a farewell and didn't pay much attention to it.

Xilingtian let go of his hand, and walked towards Patriarch Xiling.


The ancestor of Xiling asked, his voice a little nervous.

"Grandpa, it's me, Xiaotian."

Xilingtian appeared in the night mist, and seeing the ancestor of Xiling appear, he was also very excited.

"Xiaotian! You're still alive! It's great!"

The ancestor of Xiling said in surprise, and walked quickly towards Xiling Tian.

At this moment, Xilingtian retreated abruptly and activated the large formation they had set up in advance.

"Patriarch Xiling has a problem!"

Yun Jinli knew the situation had changed when she saw Xilingtian activate the formation!
(End of this chapter)

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