Chapter 332

"Xiao Tian, ​​what are you going to do? Come quickly to Grandpa's side!"

The patriarch of Xiling saw the mist in front of him, and the sky of Xiling had disappeared without a trace, so he immediately shouted.

"Grandpa, why can't I see you? Where are you?"

Xilingtian's voice came over, followed by a bit of anxiety.

"Who are you? Why are you arresting me? Grandfather save me!"

Immediately afterwards, Xilingtian's voice disappeared without a trace, and he didn't know where he went.

The patriarch of Xiling wanted to break through the fog, but the magic circle was extremely mysterious, no matter where he went, it was shrouded in thick fog, as if it was boundless.

At this moment, Xilingtian had returned to Yun Jinli's side safe and sound, with a grim expression on his face.

"Jin, you go back first, I'll wait, if grandpa doesn't come, I'll go back to the Xiling tribe alone."

"Isn't that person just now Patriarch Xiling?"

Yun Jinli asked, she saw that this person was exactly like the ancestor of Xiling, and Xilingtian saw a flaw somewhere.

"I had a secret agreement with Grandpa Grandpa. I gave him a secret code before, but the other party didn't respond to me. Besides, Grandpa Grandpa would never call me Xiaotian! When I heard this person call me Xiaotian, I knew immediately He's fake."

Xilingtian was thoughtful, he stumbled for the first time, and he will not make the same mistake this time.

"It's almost midnight, I'll wait with you, if Patriarch Xiling doesn't come, we'll leave together."

Yun Jinli could only feel at ease when he saw Xilingtian retreat completely. The person in front of him pretending to be the ancestor of Xiling was also very powerful.


Part of the trapped formation was forcibly blasted away, and this magic circle could not last for too long.

"Third brother, you have disappointed me so much!"

A thick voice came rolling from the bamboo sea.

Immediately afterwards, a bloody figure stepped out of nowhere.

The eagle-claw-like hand grabbed the fake Xiling Patriarch's neck, and tore off his human skin mask.

"The old man just wanted to try to see who the ghost is, but I didn't expect it to be you!"

The ancestor of Xiling mercilessly pinched and broke the third elder's neck, his voice was full of anger and helplessness.

"is this real?"

Yun Jinli was a little worried, if it was a fake again, it might end badly.

"Is it right? I'll find out after checking."

Xilingtian walked into the formation and made a sound.

"Grandpa, I'm here!"

He beckoned to Patriarch Xiling, now he can't be trusted by anyone, so he has to be careful.

"King! You are still alive! Heaven will not perish for my Xiling tribe!"

The ancestor of Xiling said with red eyes, his breathing became short of breath.

Xilingtian saw him walking towards him, stepped on the spirit stone under his feet, and escaped into the magic circle again.

"In order to catch me, they really spent a lot of money. They even killed the third elder. It's a pity that they still can't fool me."

Xilingtian returned to Yun Jinli's side again, and waved his hands helplessly.

Fortunately, they had set up the magic circle in advance, otherwise there was really no way to get out tonight.

"Jin, let's withdraw! From the looks of it, grandpa is held back by them. Even if there are dangers on the way back, I will kill him!"

At this moment, another figure pierced through the air, with a monstrous momentum.

The ancestor of Xiling who was in the bamboo grove fled away immediately, taking away the corpse on the ground, not daring to stay for a moment.

"Nimma! Another ancestor of Xiling is here!"

Yun Jinli couldn't help cursing, these people are really capable of doing things.

"Now that the magic circle is broken, do you want to gamble again?"


Xilingtian nodded. If he didn't even have the courage to gamble once, then what qualifications does he have to become the king of the Xiling clan!
"This time, I will accompany you!"

Yun Jinli knew that the formation was broken, and it was too dangerous for Xilingtian to go alone.

(End of this chapter)

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