Chapter 333 This is a hush money

"Jin, you don't need to take risks with me, and I don't want you to take risks with me. While the magic circle can last for a while, you go away!"

Xilingtian shook his head, he was already very moved by her intention.

"Knowing that there is danger, I left you and ran away alone. If something happens to you, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life. As friends, we should face it together, right? Or don't you think I am a friend who shares weal and woe?"

Yun Jinli held his hand, not thinking of anything else, but wanting to encourage him.

"Let's go!"

They walked in front of the ancestor of Xiling, feeling as if death was at home.


The patriarch of Xiling stretched out his fist and put it on his heart, and bowed to Xiling Tian.

"I'm late!"

"Grandfather, there is no need to be polite."

Xilingtian stretched out his hand to hold Patriarch Xiling's hand, this is the real Patriarch Xiling.

Back in Xilingtian, he had always naively thought that his grandfather was playing games with him, that's why he called him king, and agreed with him to recognize him as a secret code.

Now he naturally knows that the Xiling Patriarch has determined that he is this heir from the very beginning.

"Who is she? Can she be trusted?"

The patriarch of Xiling had a murderous look all over his body, if Xilingtian gave an order, he would kill Yun Jinli.

"She is my savior, and has saved me from fire and water many times. If she hadn't tried her best to save me last time, I would have died at the hands of the five great spirit kings. It was she who sent the message to grandpa, asking you to pick me up. "

Xilingtian said that he would remember everything she did for him.

"Girl baby, you were the one who released the news of Wang's death, right?"

How shrewd is Xiling Patriarch, if someone traps him tonight, he will know something is wrong.Fortunately, he had already arranged that if there was no news of him before midnight, he would come to find him immediately.


Yun Jinli nodded, admitting it openly.

"Hahaha! The girl is so brave. After doing such a daring thing, she admitted it in front of the ancestor without changing her face. Isn't she afraid of the ancestor's anger?"

The patriarch of Xiling asked curiously, this is just a little girl, it is really a good skill to turn the Xiling people upside down.

"Why are you afraid? Didn't I do a good job? If I don't break the sky, how can I, a powerless little girl, pass the news to the ancestors of Xiling who are retreating?"

Yun Jinli said confidently, seeing the Patriarch Xiling now shows that her plan was successful.

"You girl doll is very clever. I can't beat you, Patriarch. Tell me, what do you want in return?"

The ancestor of Xiling was in a good mood. Seeing that Xilingtian was safe and sound, he finally let go of his heart completely and laughed loudly.

A serious old face softened.

"Does the ancestor have any high-quality jade or spirit stones, you can give me some!"

Yun Jinli remembered that she wanted to make a small ornament for Feng Liuyue, but she didn't have any suitable materials at hand, so the Patriarch Xiling asked for a gift, so she took it bluntly.

"The ancestor doesn't know what these things are, they are all given by the juniors, you can pick and choose by yourself!"

When the ancestor of Xiling heard that she wanted some jade materials, he poured out the refining materials from the storage ring.

"Thank you Patriarch, then I will accept it!"

Yun Jinli tactfully swept away these materials and put them into the Zhiyue tassel.

"Girl doll! You! You are too dark!"

The patriarch of Xiling couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he saw Yun Jinli take those things away.

"Someone was trying to silence me just now."

Yun Jinli said seriously, looking innocently at Patriarch Xiling.

"This is considered a hush money!"

(End of this chapter)

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