Chapter 336

In the middle of the night in Yunchuan City, everything was originally silent, and the lights of thousands of houses had already been extinguished.

However, the darker it is, the more beautiful the sky lantern is.

Xue Deng carried them through the sky lanterns, as if they were in a sea of ​​floating lanterns in flowing water.

"Something delayed me tonight, so I came to pick you up so late. It seems that I have to find a contracted spirit beast for you to be by your side all the time, so that I can rest assured."

Bei Chenjue asked Yun Jinli to stand in front of him, wrapping his arms around her back and wrapping her waist.

Her small and exquisite body, compared with his height, showed a cute difference in height.

"I heard that everyone can only contract one spirit beast in a lifetime."

Yun Jinli couldn't help becoming interested when he heard him talking about contracted spirit beasts.

She also envied Bei Chenjue for having a contracted spirit beast like Fengxue Yinlong, which was very convenient no matter where she wanted to go.

Most importantly, having such a cute little partner by your side is like bringing a pistachio with you.

"It stands to reason that this is the case, because most people have limited soul power and can only contract one spirit beast in their lifetime. But of course there are exceptions. Some people have very strong soul power and can contract more spirit beasts."

Bei Chenjue said, the stronger the contract, the stronger the soul power needed.

"What will happen if the soul power is not strong enough to forcibly contract a powerful spirit beast?"

Yun Jinli had never come into contact with a spirit master who possessed beast control skills before, so she didn't know much about it.

"If you do this, you will be violated."

Bei Chenjue said with a smile, if the soul is weak and still tries to contract a powerful spirit beast, he will become the servant of the spirit beast.

"Ordinary spirit contracts can contract many different spirit beasts, but natal soul contracts can only contract one spirit beast, and both parties have equal status. The spirit beast of the natal contract is linked with your spirit and soul, and their destiny is connected, and they will live and die together."

"I've never contracted a spirit beast before, so I don't know how to make a soul contract of my own life?"

Yun Jinli asked curiously, she wanted to contract a spirit beast, and she just wanted to know about the life contract.

"This is similar to an ordinary spiritual contract, but it needs to be guided by the blood of both parties, and the souls are connected."

Bei Chenjue said patiently, while they were talking, Fengxue Yinlong had already brought them to the door of the house.

"I heard from Mo Yu that you brought a seriously injured woman back today. Is it really your mother?"


Yun Jinli nodded. After she came back, she went to Zhuyuan immediately.

It was just that Ruan Qinghe had already fallen asleep, so she stood outside and probed into the bamboo garden with her spiritual sense to see how her mother was doing.

She was still wrapped in a cocoon of light and hadn't woken up yet.

Standing in front of the bamboo garden with her, Bei Chenjue felt very distressed when he saw the tired look on her face.

Today Yun Jinli used her spiritual power to protect her mother's life, so she looked haggard.

"My mother won't wake up until three days later. I'm so worried about her."

Yun Jinli didn't know whether the Butterfly Pill could bring her mother back to life. In addition, regarding what Feng Liuyue told her, her mother might have a power similar to a curse. Even if she was saved, she would not be able to survive. how long.

"Three days will come soon. You have been running around all day. If you don't take a good rest, you will collapse by then. How can you take care of your mother?"

Bei Chenjue picked up Yun Jinli and carried her back to the painting building.

Seeing Yun Jinli being carried back, Xiaodiandian covered her eyes with her hands and lay on his little bed without disturbing them.

"Jue, don't go!"

Yun Jinli lay on the bed, and stretched out her hand to grab Bei Chenjue's clothes.

"Little Yunduo, do you want your little brother to sleep with you?"

Bei Chenjue stopped and sat by the bed, with a gentle smile in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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