The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 337 The Changing Yunduan Mountain

Chapter 337 The Changing Cloud Breaks Thousands of Mountains

"No! I'm not a child, so I don't need someone to sleep with me."

Yun Jinli shook her little head like a rattle.

"I still have something to tell you."

"Huh? Is there anything else you want to tell my little brother?"

Bei Chenjue asked patiently, without showing any sign of impatience because of her many questions.

"The first thing is about Youguhua. I want to know more about its location. The map last time shows that Youguhua is in Yunduanqianshan. Is there a specific location?"

Yun Jinli asked, "Although the legend of You Epiphyllum is illusory, they at least knew the location of You Epiphyllum, and they were not completely clueless.

"Little Yunduo asked this question, presumably because he doesn't know what is so special about Yunduan Qianshan."

Bei Chenjue took out a scroll and opened it in front of Yun Jinli.

A mountain range appeared in the scroll. This mountain range was unknown in size. It looked majestic and towering, like swords reaching the sky, standing on the vast land.

"Is this Yunduan Qianshan? Is there anything special about it?"

Yun Jinli looked at these mountains curiously, each peak was particularly magnificent and domineering.

"Take a closer look."

Bei Chenjue's deep and generous voice is like an ocean, which makes people enchanted when they hear it.

The silver hair is like a waterfall, hanging on the chest, as if it would glow.

"Huh? It's constantly changing."

Yun Jinli looked at the mountain range in front of him, it was constantly changing, but in a short while, the positions of those peaks were different.

"There are thousands of peaks in the Yunduan Thousand Mountains, which are like floating clouds. Every time it is turned on, the picture it presents is completely different. These peaks are always moving, so even if the predecessors left the map, we can't Find out where it is."

Bei Chenjue has checked the situation of Yunduan Qianshan, so he understands it in detail.

"According to reliable news, in half a month, the freshman assessment of Longyuan Sacred Mansion will be held in Yunduan Qianshan. If you are interested in You Epiphyllum, don't worry."

He was very well-informed about the news that Longyuan Sacred Mansion was recruiting students in Yunchuan City, and he got it early in the morning.

He is the lord of Yunting Xingfu, and the star towers are spread over three thousand spiritual realms.

"The second thing is about Wan Gu Sect. Since Xuezhan is back, there should be a result."

Yun Jinli doesn't know much about the mysterious Ten Thousand Gu Sect now, the enemy is in the dark, but she is in the light, she doesn't like this feeling.

"The Wan Gu Sect has made a big move recently. Didn't we see that many villages were empty before? That should be caused by some kind of poison from the Wan Gu Sect. They are refining a very terrible poison. Specifically What, we can't find out."

Because of Yun Jinli's murder, Bei Chenjue specially investigated the Wan Gu Sect. This mysterious force with thousands of years of experience uses Gu poison to control everyone, so it is very difficult to find out their details.

Even if it is coercion, they can't tell the secret.

When they want to betray Wan Gu Sect, they will die immediately.

"Has the demon flower we saw before revived?"

Yun Jinli suddenly remembered that demon flower, she should know what flower it was.

"You are right, I have been to the mass grave, and the same demon flower appeared again."

Bei Chenjue said solemnly, the demon flower was very strange and had an ominous aura.

"You didn't take her off, did you?"

Yun Jinli asked nervously, and after hearing Bei Chenjue's answer, she became more sure of what the flower was.


Bei Chenjue acted cautiously, before he knew the origin of the flower, he would not act rashly.

"Little Yunduo, do you know what that is?"

(End of this chapter)

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