Chapter 338 Her Heart Has Never Changed

"She is not a flower, but a flower named Wusihua. This flower is formed from the soul of a woman who died in vain. This flower cannot be completely removed. Every time it is picked off or burned to death, the resentment will become heavier, and it will be reborn in death. , become stronger."

In Yun Jinli's "Dan Zun Poison Classic", there is a record of the method of making Gu poison.

"The Deathless Flower first devours the flesh and bones from the dead woman. After absorbing the resentment and becoming stronger, it will devour the flesh and blood of the living and use it to strengthen itself. Your subordinates should have been swallowed by this flower."

Yun Jinli thought of the blood mist that night, the blood mist emitted by Wusihua swallowed people up, and the blood mist also had the effect of confusing people's hearts. If ordinary people encounter it, it is almost impossible to escape.

"Using this dead flower to feed Gu worms can cultivate the most vicious Gu in the world."

She didn't associate the demon flower with Gu poison at first, but when Bei Chenjue mentioned Wan Gu sect, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she thought of this kind of flower.

"Is there no way to get rid of this flower?"

It was the first time Bei Chenjue had heard of the dead flower in vain, and it sounded creepy.

"The only way is to use the blood of the dead flower's love and hatred before it was born, and pour it on the rhizome, so that the dead flower can be completely removed from the roots."

Yun Jinli came up with a solution. There are many strange plants that cannot be found in ordinary books.

Only the "Poison Code" and "Gu Jing" have these records. If it weren't for Yun Jinli's photographic memory, he would not be able to recall the content of the dead flower from so many records.

"Tell me about that concubine Ji? Why does she have so much resentment?"

"It's a long story, just listen to me and speak slowly."

Bei Chenjue spoke slowly, and told Yun Jinli the information found in Xinglou.

That woman is Patriarch Hua's concubine Tang Yun, who is twenty years old and is Patriarch Hua's favorite concubine.

She has a childhood sweetheart, Song Shu, who is in love with her. The two have a very good relationship and have made a private decision for life.

She is just a young lady of a small family, because of her beauty, she was favored by Patriarch Hua.

Regardless of her wishes, the family sent her to Huafu, where she was forced to marry the head of the Hua family as a concubine.

Tang Yun originally wanted to show her ambition by death, but her lover sent a letter telling her that no matter whether she was perfect or not, she would not dislike her.

The two agreed to elope together.

In order to wait for him, Tang Yun endured the humiliation and survived.Because of his promise, he promised her that he would take her far away.

However, Tang Yun couldn't wait for any news from him, so in desperation she bought the maid around her and went out to inquire about it, only to find out that he was actually married to the royal princess.

It turned out that the conditions given by the Hua family were to let Song Shu leave Tang Yun, and to persuade Tang Yun to be willing to become the concubine of the head of the Hua family, so that he could become the princess' husband, and from then on, he would transform himself into a master.

Knowing that her lover had betrayed her, she was greatly stimulated and passed out. After the doctor came to make a diagnosis, she found out that she was pregnant.

The news that she was pregnant was spread by the doctor, which caused her death.

How could Shen Tang let a concubine affect her status? That woman was arrested by the mistress of the Hua family, tied up and thrown to a gathering place for homeless people outside the city.

A woman like a flower was tortured alive. In despair, she bit her tongue and committed suicide, and her body was thrown into a mass grave.

Her child also died in her womb, and the soaring resentment surrounded her and lingered for a long time.

At that time, people often disappeared around the mass grave, and the spies of the Star Tower sensed that there was something strange there, and they went to investigate and disappeared.

"That girl is actually a poor person, but now she has killed many innocent people."

After listening to Bei Chenjue's narration, Yun Jinli felt extremely emotional.

Tang Yun must have loved that man very much, because she loved that man so deeply that when she was betrayed, she would be heartbroken.

Her heart never changed, but that person didn't love her as much as she thought.

(End of this chapter)

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