Chapter 348

"Are you still going out? This is not a place for ordinary people like you to stay."

The spirit hunter Lou Min felt that the dead flower had really condensed into shape, and she had to be sealed, as she no longer needed to draw grievances here.

If she couldn't be stopped, the entire Yunchuan City would turn into a dead city in an instant, and all the people in the city would die.

In the eyes of a spirit hunter, even an illusionist is an ordinary person.

They have only cultivated spiritual power, which is stronger than ordinary people. When facing monsters and ghosts, they are also vulnerable to a single blow.

"An ordinary person? It seems that only you are an ordinary person!"

Yun Jinli blinked and looked at Lou Min amusedly.

"How could this be? It doesn't make sense!"

Lou Min heard the words and looked at the three of them. At this moment, it turned into a blood-red rain, unable to approach them, as if they were all isolated.

He sacrificed a few talismans, all of which were directly corroded by the blood rain.

He quickly took out the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Lamp, even if it rained blood, it couldn't extinguish the lamp.

It's just that the flame flickers on and off, as if it might be extinguished at any time.

"Little beauty!"

Feng Qingyun glanced around, took a step closer to Yun Jinli without any trace, lightly stroked a simple dragon ring on her finger, and slightly raised the corners of her beautiful lips.

It was a very special ancient ring, with exquisite engravings of hovering dragons on it, which seemed to have a magical power that attracted people's hearts and souls.

The age of this ancient ring seems to be very long, revealing a sense of vicissitudes and simplicity, as well as a faint sense of danger.

"Mirror. My name."

Yun Jinli didn't want to hear him calling her little beauty all the time, it would make her feel like being molested.

She moved her finger, and the word "mirror" condensed in the rain.

"Jingjing, you two don't leave me at arm's length for a while, just stay by my side."

Feng Qingyun said, with a rare seriousness in his hippie smile.

"What the hell is Jingjing? You're still crazy!"

Yun Jinli stroked his forehead, feeling a flock of crows flying over his head.

If I knew I wouldn't tell him his name, there's no one else to call him such a foolish name.

"It's good to be crazy! Others laugh at me as crazy, but I laugh at others who can't see through!"

What Feng Qingyun blurted out made Yun Jinli fall into shock.

She almost wanted to ask him if he also traveled through time!
But she was not impulsive, but the way she looked at Feng Qingyun changed a little.

She wanted to read his heartfelt voice, but this carefree-looking guy was completely incomprehensible to her.

Even mind reading has no effect on him.

"Jingjing, why are you in a daze? Are you stunned by my handsomeness?"

Feng Qingyun waved her hand in front of Yun Jinli, and said narcissistically.

"I want to be quiet!"

Yun Jinli said angrily, she simply lost her temper when addressing him.

"Jingjing is yourself! Why do you want to think about yourself? I'm not talking about you, you are too narcissistic!"

Feng Qingyun said while walking, causing Yun Jinli to almost vomit blood.

She just wanted to say: Is there anyone in this world who is more narcissistic than him?
"She is coming!"

Feng Qingyun's expression was certain, he glanced at Yun Jinli and Xiaodian, took a step forward, and blocked them behind him.

Xiaodiandian was held in Yun Jinli's arms, and felt a sharp breath approaching.

Bloody petals flew all over the sky, surrounding them.

They didn't look for Wushihua before, they just waited here for her to appear.

Sure enough, feeling the spirit hunter's breath, she came immediately.As for the other people who entered the woods, one can imagine the fate.

"None of you can leave today!"

There were fierce female voices from all around, and the bloody petals swept towards them.

The scary thing about the dead flower in vain is that even in the daytime, her strength will not weaken.

If there is sunshine, she will be a little apprehensive, but it happens to be a rainy day.

(End of this chapter)

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