Chapter 349

"Monster! I am here, I cannot tolerate your arrogance!"

Facing the overwhelmed dead flowers, Lou Min, the spirit hunter, calmed himself down, and then shook the Sanqing copper bell.

"Jingle Bell!"

The crisp ringtone resounded, and that sound had the effect of suppressing demons.


There was a sharp whistling sound, and the Sanqing copper bell was cracked all over, and then shattered under Lou Min's shocked eyes.

Lou Min's heart sank, this was probably the most powerful vengeful spirit he had encountered since he left the teacher.

At the moment when the Sanqing bronze bell shattered, a pair of hands emerged from the petals, with sharp black and strangely long nails, they grabbed at Lou's back.

The power of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Lamp was suppressed to the minimum by the bloody petals.

Those hands passed through the protection of the magic fire lamp, only a few centimeters away from his back.

Lou Min felt a chill in his back, his face changed suddenly, and he realized that something was wrong.

Just when he thought he was about to be murdered, he didn't feel any severe pain.

He turned his head in doubt, and saw a Zijin Town Demon Talisman stuck to the banshee's forehead, immobilizing her figure.

It turned out that it was Yun Jinli who saved him, and this Zijin Town Demon Talisman was the one that Yun Jinli took away.

"Mud, study hard!"

Yun Jinli stood on tiptoe and patted him on the shoulder, the slightest affection for her just now was wiped away by her address.


The Zijin town demon talisman shattered, and the figure of the woman condensed by the dead flowers appeared intact.

That long blood-red hair and those eyes full of resentment made people shudder.


The Zijin Town Demon Talisman turned into a puff of blue smoke and dissipated in the rain of blood. Seeing this scene, Lou Min's expression was extremely solemn.

"Tang Yun! If you are wronged, you should pay your debts. Stop killing innocent people."

Yun Jinli yelled, the woman's expression fluctuated, and resentment shrouded her eyes again.

"My child is also innocent, who let him go! I want everyone to be buried with my son!"

Tang Yun attacked them again, trying to devour them all.

She was disheartened when she learned that she had a child.Even if the child is not what she wants, she still wants to give birth to the child and leave with the child.

But no one gave her and the child this chance, her lover betrayed her, and no one in the whole world stood by her side.

Only she died in despair!

"She has been blinded by hatred now, and it is useless to say anything."

Lou Min said, Wraith Spirit will not reason with you.

Now she is not only Tang Yun, but also a dead flower in vain, a demon flower formed by the condensed countless grievances.

"Let this sea of ​​flowers devour you!"

After Tang Yun's words fell, the four of them were surrounded by a sea of ​​bloody flowers, and they couldn't see outside at all.

At the same time, in a forest in Yunchuan City, an old man wearing a black cloak knelt on the ground.

There is a token of Wan Gu Sect on his body, which proves that he is a member of Wan Gu Sect.

He has eyes like a poisonous snake, and his whole person gives people a very uncomfortable feeling.

"My lord, the deathless flowers have taken shape, are you picking them back?"

The old and hoarse voice was full of gloom.

"When Yunchuan City turns bloody, it's time to pick dead flowers. Now, it's too early!"

A masked man waved his hand, his eyes cold and unfeeling.

"Subordinates have orders!"

The old man disappeared before his eyes, leaving only the figure of the man behind.

"No matter how prosperous the city is, it is nothing but a dead grave after all."

The man's cold voice fell slowly, without a trace of warmth.


A black cat in his arms let out a cry.

That black cat was exactly what Yun Jinli had seen in that dead village back then, and it exuded an ominous black aura.

 I strongly recommend Geer's finished book "Gold Medal Doctor: The Black Belly Beloved Concubine", please support me a lot!Announcing the list of book review activities in March, Xue Ji, Meng Qianxun, Feng Biao Liuxi.The three book friends can become friends with Ge Er's Kou Kou!The book review event is over, thank you for participating!

(End of this chapter)

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