Chapter 352 Very Clean Eyes

"She killed Song Shu's resentment not only did not disappear, but even worse, especially since she devoured Song Shu's flesh and blood, she is now even stronger."

Bei Chenjue shook his head, Tang Yun's body was stained with Song Shu's blood, which did not dissipate her resentment.

"Only the blood of the person she loves and hates the most can dispel her grievances. Originally Song Shu was her true love, but his last move made him lose the love in her heart."

Seeing Tang Yun's aura, Yun Jinli became even more astonishing. Who could extinguish her resentment?

"By the way, where's the poisonous woman?"

She remembered that the person Tang Yun hated the most was Shen Tang, and this might be the key.

If there is no way to eliminate Tang Yun's resentment, then the dead flower is immortal, and no one can deal with it.

It was because of knowing this that Bei Chenjue didn't do anything.

"Shen Tang is very cunning, I don't know how she got the news that Song Shu was taken away, she has been hiding in Huafu and never came out."

Bei Chenjue said, there are several elders guarding the Huafu, Xuezhan failed to take her away.

"I can only trap her first, and then think of a way."

The heavy rain still didn't stop, but it got worse.

Bei Chenjue moved his palm, and the heavy rain turned into a water dragon, surrounding Tang Yun.

Before Tang Yun could escape, the water dragon turned into a ball and wrapped her in it.

The next moment, the water polo condensed into ice, freezing Tang Yun inside.

"Now she can be trapped temporarily, but there is not much time left for us."

His ice can only trap Tang Yun for half a day, but half a day should be enough for them to come up with a solution.

"Can this ice really trap her?"

Yun Jinli knew the power of the dead flower, and the blood mist was terribly corrosive. Looking at the crystal-clear ice, she could see the blood mist surging inside, and she felt a little uncertain.


Bei Chenjue replied affirmatively, even if it was Wu Sihua who wanted to break through the ice he had condensed, it would not be so easy.

"This is an ice barrier. If there is no external force to destroy it, it can last for half a day."

"What if there is an external force to destroy it?"

When Feng Qingyun saw the ice barrier condensed by Bei Chenjue, a faint look of surprise floated in his eyes.

Just his hand alone shows that he is very strong.

His mother often told him that "There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky". He didn't believe it before, but now that he came out, he felt that what mother said was right.

"That depends on the extent of the external force."

Bei Chenjue looked at Feng Qingyun, his deep blue eyes met a pair of clear and pure eyes, which made him slightly taken aback.

Those are a pair of very clean eyes, like the sky washed bright after the summer rain, and like dewdrops rolling on the green lotus leaves.

He exudes a spirit of beauty, like an elf walking out of the Orchid Valley, without being contaminated by the world of mortals.

If one word were to be used to describe him, it would be "Zhong Ling Yuxiu".

"Another mortal who is impressed by my handsomeness!"

Seeing Bei Chenjue staring at her, Feng Qingyun couldn't help flicking her bangs and smiling brightly.

"Did you suddenly realize that when you saw me, handsome can be so specific?"


Bei Chenjue was startled by his narcissism, but was speechless.

"If you don't be narcissistic for a second, will you die?"

Yun Jinli said angrily, the originally dignified atmosphere was completely broken up by his words.

"If a person doesn't love himself, does that mean others love him?"

Feng Qingyun replied seriously, under the guidance of his unscrupulous master, he has already lost his head.

"Let's think of a way to solve the problem of dead flowers now!"

Originally, Yun Jinli didn't need to meddle in her own business, but there were her relatives and friends in Yunchuan City, as well as many innocent and weak people.

She used to be the queen of a country, with a heart of benevolence and love for the people. If she was allowed to watch the whole city die, she would not be able to do it.

Even if her ability is not strong enough, she will try her best to do it!

(End of this chapter)

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