Chapter 353 Unable to predict her fate

What's more, she is not alone now.

With Bei Chenjue by her side, she felt that her heart was very stable.

"Xuezhan is guarding here. We will divide into two groups, one to Huafu and the other to Tang's, to see if we can find someone who can resolve Tang Yun's resentment."

According to Bei Chenjue's investigation, she learned that Tang Yun rarely left home, so she had limited contact with people.

Therefore, the Hua family and the Tang family are the places where she has stayed the longest, so their goals are obvious.

"I'm going to Hua's house."

Yun Jinli said that she had been there a few times in secret, and she was familiar with the Hua family.

"Let me go to Hua's house! The Tang family is the key point. You are more careful as a woman, and you might find something."

Bei Chenjue considered that the Hua family was very dangerous, and as the Tang family was a small family in Yunchuan City, it was naturally much safer, and she could feel more at ease.

"it is good."

Yun Jinli thought about it and found it reasonable, so she agreed.

Mo Yu's carriage had already rushed over, although it was a step behind them, it arrived just in time.

"Get in the carriage and ask Mo Yu to take you to the Tang family, lest you get lost."

Seeing that Mo Yu had arrived, Bei Chenjue spoke.

As for who Feng Qingyun was, he didn't ask, since they came together, they naturally knew each other.

Although he will be jealous, but not indiscriminately.Since he likes her, he will also give her freedom.

He didn't bother to pay attention to those who didn't touch his bottom line and coveted him.

He was originally an indifferent person, and he would only focus on the people he cared about.

"Be careful on the road."

Yun Jinli carried Xiaodiandian into the carriage and said to Bei Chenjue.

Bei Chenjue nodded, and set off to Hua's house.

Before dark, they had to find someone and bring them here, otherwise, once it got dark, the ice wouldn't be able to trap Sihua in vain.

"Wait, I'm going too."

Feng Qingyun climbed into the carriage familiarly, how could such an interesting thing be done without him?
He is very curious about this girl who can make his sister look at him differently.

Because he learned divination and fortune-telling from his master, but he couldn't predict her future and fate.

Even with the help of the master's treasured sky-covering fan, you can't see a single bit of it.

How could this make him not curious?
"lets go!"

After Yun Jinli sat down firmly, the carriage drove steadily into the city.Feng Qingyun can protect himself, if he wants to follow, it's up to him.

As for the soldiers guarding the city gate, they had already fled in fright, and Xuezhan was the only one left guarding outside the city at this moment.

Xuezhan was sitting on the branch beside him bored, he felt that the job of guarding the ice hockey puck was really boring.

However, he will obediently obey his master's orders.


A sudden meow made him feel bad.

A group of black shadows rushed towards him, and the sharp cat's claws, as hard as gold and stone, grabbed at him extremely fiercely.

A pair of blood-red cat's eyes looked particularly pervasive.The black satin-like fur is extremely smooth, and it will not stain a drop of water in the heavy rain.

This is no ordinary cat!
In the light of the calcium carbide fire, this thought flashed through Xuezhan's mind.

But thinking about it is also true, a cat that dares to fight with Fengxue Yinlong, can it be ordinary?

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

A strange sound appeared in the rain, Xuezhan was entangled by the strange black cat, turned around and saw a golden flame flying from all directions, landing on the huge ice ball.

"not good!"

Xuezhan saw that those flames were fiery red fire scale beetles, with a few wisps of golden flame dancing on the scaled wings, and countless numbers flocked to the ice ball.

This is a fire-scale beetle with a terrifying high temperature. A few of them will not pose a threat to the ice, but this is an innumerable swarm of insects!

Except for Wan Gu Sect, no one can drive so many fire scale beetles!

The crisp sound made Xuezhan's heart tremble violently.

The next moment, cracks appeared on the puck, and it exploded suddenly. A red shadow flew into the city, unstoppable!
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(End of this chapter)

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