Chapter 354 Nine Nether Cat Soul Seducers

In the heavy rain, there were faintly strange flute sounds, one after another.

The firescale beetle shone dazzlingly, and disappeared in the heavy rain in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

When Xuezhan rushed over, she only saw ice scum all over the place.

He wanted to catch the black cat and track down the man behind it.

However, when his hand grabbed the black cat, the black cat turned into a cloud of black mist and dissipated in front of him.

He could see a bit of playfulness and contempt in those cat eyes, and he seemed to be quite satisfied with his distraught look.

"Stupid dragon, you want to keep me, wait until you grow up!"

Xuezhan was so angry that he was actually despised by a cat. His majestic dignity of the wind and snow silver dragon was swept away by hula la in an instant!
"What a shame!"

He didn't have time to think too much, and immediately went to the city to report the bad news to his master.

The black cat before, if he was not mistaken, should be the Nine Nether Cat, with at least seven tails.

Otherwise, even if it is not sunny during the day, they cannot appear.

The Nine Nether Cats do not belong to the human world, but come from the dark and underworld. If this family has cultivated to Nine Tails, it will be very against the sky. They are born from death and have nine lives.

They are called soul ecstasy messengers!
It is rumored that if ordinary people look into its eyes, their souls will be taken away and they will fall into the nether world.

"The Nine Nether Cats have also appeared in this world, and there is also the army of magic crows from last time. This world will be full of storms."

Xuezhan remembers the army of magic crows that she met at the beginning, those powerful beings that did not belong to this mortal world appeared one after another, did she find anything?
After Xuezhan's figure disappeared, a person appeared outside Yunchuan City.

What makes people feel special is that the person is wearing a mask on his face. The mask is very delicate and made of pure gold.

If Yun Jinli were here, he would definitely feel extremely horrified.

Because the mask on this person's face is exactly the same as the golden mask that appeared in the desert city, and even the patterns on the mask are exactly the same.

The person in the tree coffin under the desert palace has woken up!
At this moment, his pair of green eyes are full of vicissitudes, as if he has seen the vicissitudes of the sea turn into mulberry fields, and the high banks into deep valleys.

"I am coming!"

Was he the former king of the desert city?

Or the Millennium Dryad?

"Tread! Tread! Tread!"

The carriage shuttled through the rain, and the heavy rain had gradually diminished.

The rain in summer comes quickly and goes quickly.

It's just that the clouds above the sky haven't dispersed yet, and even though the heavy rain is about to stop, the uneasiness in Yun Jinli's heart still hasn't dissipated.

In the gorgeous carriage, Yun Jinli looked at Feng Qingyun who was still calm, he looked carefree, brighter than the sun.

Just like his name, he is a green lotus in the center of the lake, and a white plum in the snow.

The summer wind blows the curtains of the car windows, and Xiaodian lies by the window, looking seriously at the flowers and trees along the street outside, as well as the brightly colored vermilion walls and blue glazed tiles behind the sea of ​​white flowers.

At this moment, Xiao DianDian suddenly felt a burst of heart palpitations!
The pink and fair little face suddenly turned pale, and the feeling of fear was all too familiar.Almost in an instant, it spread to all limbs.

He has the power of prediction and can see a corner of the future.

"It's him...he came to look for me...still won't let me go..."

Looking at the beautiful flowers and trees in front of her, Xiao DianDian seemed to have become hideous and terrifying.

These are his eyes!

He has nowhere to run!
"A little bit, are you uncomfortable?"

Yun Jinli saw Xiao Dian Dian sitting next to her, her face was pale, as if she had been greatly frightened, so she couldn't help asking worriedly.

"Miss, I'm fine."

A smile appeared on Xiaodian's cute little face.

He knew that Yun Jinli had important things to do now, and he didn't want her to be distracted.

The most important thing at the moment is to solve the matter of dead flowers in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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