Chapter 355
"Dian Dian, if you have something on your mind, remember to tell the young lady."

Yun Jinli saw that Xiaodiandian was hiding something from her, and that the child also had his own concerns, so she just held his little hand and smiled at him.


Looking at the smile on her face, Xiao DianDian felt the warmth in her heart, and the original fear and fear were dispelled a lot.

He wanted to tell Yun Jinli his premonition of uneasiness after the matter of the dead flower in vain was resolved.

"Brother Feng, do you have anything there that can isolate all breaths? If there is, I want to borrow it from you! I will return it to you!"

He felt that he couldn't do nothing, because he didn't want to leave Yun Jinli, and he didn't want to go back to that dead desert city again.

"I'll look for something that isolates the breath!"

Feng Qingyun was in a good mood when he heard Xiaodian calling him so sweetly, so he looked through his storage space.

"Here, there is a mirror that can block the breath, but you are not its owner, so you can't exert its true power. There is no problem if you put it on your body to block the breath."

He found a mirror, said it was a mirror, but it didn't look like an ordinary mirror.

This mirror looks quite old, and there are only extremely complicated textures intertwined on the surface, depicting golden lace and dotted with precious stones.

The few gems inlaid on this ancient mirror are like the stars in the sky. Even though the brilliance is not bright enough, they are the most beautiful decorations in the night sky.

One side of the ancient mirror is a pattern of phoenix snowflakes, and the other side is a pattern of flying dragon flames.

The ancient mirror was originally the size of a palm, but with a thought in Feng Qingyun's mind, the ancient mirror turned into a small pendant.

He took out the colored tencel and hung the pendant around Xiaodian's neck.

"This mirror was given to me by my mother, I will lend you to wear it first! When I leave Yunchuan City, I will ask you to get it back."

"Thank you Brother Feng!"

Xiao DianDian said gratefully, although the ancient mirror has already recognized its owner, but after wearing it on his body, he felt that his aura was completely covered.

In this way, that person cannot find himself for the time being.

"The little one has become so polite. Since you are hanging out with me, then I must have the demeanor of a big brother!"

Feng Qingyun patted Xiaodiandian's shoulder, and said proudly.

This Fuchen Mingxin mirror is his property, and he can get it back at any time if he wants to.

He is not a stingy person, anyway, if he doesn't need it for the time being, he will lend it to Xiao Diandian to wear it, there is no problem.

"Brother Feng, can I have another bag of jelly beans?"

Xiao Dian Dian's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and her soft and waxy voice fell crisply.


The corner of Feng Qingyun's mouth twitched, and she refused directly.

Seeing Xiao DianDian's emotions recovering, Yun Jinli had a gentle gaze.

That ancient mirror was extraordinary, and even the Weaving Moon tassel had a special reaction.Feng Qingyun was willing to lend such a precious treasure to Xiao DianDian, this loyalty and generosity made her impression of him even better.

She looked out of the window, the heavy rain had stopped, and the entire Yunchuan City was smeared with a darker color by the heavy rain. Drops of rainwater flowed down from the eaves, like a string of crystal beads.

"Mo Yu, stop the car."

Seeing a familiar figure, she asked Mo Yu to stop the carriage.

The carriage stopped by the side of the street, there was no one here, only a man on the side of the road.

Seeing this gorgeous carriage parked in front of her, Hua Wuqing frowned and looked over vigilantly.

He is now wearing a bamboo hat and civilian attire, which is not conspicuous.It was just his saber, which Yun Jinli had seen before.

"I'm not malicious, you don't need to be nervous."

Yun Jinli's voice came from inside the carriage, and her figure looked hazy through a veil.

"I just wanted to tell you something that might be useful to you."

"what's up?"

Hua Wuqing asked, feeling that she didn't know this girl.

Judging by her voice, she is not very old.

(End of this chapter)

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