Chapter 358 A heart feeds the pig
"My lord! I heard that you asked the servant to serve you by name?"

A burly female man, wearing black and gray clothes, wiped her hands on the clothes, and looked at the extremely handsome Feng Qingyun, showing a shy look.

Feng Qingyun was so frightened by her smile that she was stunned, this is not a girl, she is simply a jockey!
What about little bell?
That rough appearance made him feel that this was definitely a man disguised as a woman!Can't go wrong!

Coupled with her pockmarked face, this visual impact is not so strong.

"I have to hold back! Be calm! Don't vomit, or your breakfast will be for nothing!"

Feng Qingyun said silently in her heart, a smile uglier than crying appeared on her handsome face, and she nodded.

"That's right! This young master has taken a fancy to you, prepare a room, just the two of us have a good talk."

He wanted to turn around and leave, but if he agreed to take on the job, it would be too embarrassing if he gave up halfway.

"Young master, you really have vision!"

Little Ling'er winked at him, causing Feng Qingyun to take two steps back, her heart trembling in the wind.

"The ecstasy of this smile is enough to scare away millions of soldiers!"

"Young master, please!"

The procuress of the brothel hurriedly went to arrange the room, while the other women were saddened, feeling that they could not accept such a result.

"The picture is so beautiful, I dare not look at it!"

After the room was ready, Yun Jinli also appeared there.

"My lord, I can serve you by myself, so I don't need to find another girl."

Little Ling'er said seriously, and then blushed.

"This is the first time for my slave family, you must be gentle..."

"Hey you big-headed ghost! We came to you with business to do."

Feng Qingyun couldn't take it anymore, so she hurried to the window and handed it over to Yun Jinli.

Let her wink a few more times, and he will die young.

"You are Xiao Ling'er, Tang Yun's personal maid, right?"

Yun Jinli asked straight to the point.

"how do you know?"

Little Ling'er looked at Yun Jinli suspiciously, wondering how she knew that she was Tang Yun's former personal maid.

She was sold to a brothel, and because she was ugly, she was assigned to cook in the kitchen.

If it weren't for her culinary skills, no one would have bought her.

"Who is your lady on good terms with? Besides Song Shu, is there anyone who treats her well?"

Yun Jinli asked, and learned that she was the closest person to Tang Yun, and knew her affairs relatively well.

"I do not know anything."

Little Ling'er bit her lip, she didn't know what purpose they came to ask Miss, what if they were bad people?
"Do you think we look like bad guys? We just want to know if your lady has any friends. If you tell me, I can redeem you and let you go free."

Seeing that she was quite simple, Yun Jinli was still thinking about Tang Yun when she was reduced to a brothel.

It's a pity that she is ugly, and Tang Yun is not close to her, but there is really no one in the Tang residence, so she is kept by her side.

She was not dowry to Huafu, Master Tang had a good intention!

Otherwise, Patriarch Hua, who is quite old, might not be able to survive being so frightened.

"Okay! I don't know much. Our young lady has been a childhood sweetheart of Mr. Song since she was a child, and the two hit it off. Besides, there is another person who treats our young lady very well, and sometimes invites her to travel. "

Little Ling'er said that when she heard that Song Shu married the princess, she was worthless for the young lady.

Feed the dog poetically!A heart feeds the pigs!

"Maybe it's because our lady has Young Master Song in her heart, so she never valued him. That young master is just an ordinary family, so naturally he is not as good as the Hua family, but in my heart, that young master is more suitable for us than others. Miss."

"What's his name?"

Yun Jinli asked, she felt that this man should be a key person.

"It seems to be called Qin Yu."

Little Ling'er thought for a while and said the man's name.

(End of this chapter)

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