Chapter 359

"Qin Yu."

Yun Jinli did have some impressions of this name. When she was in Zhuque Tower, she had met a man named Qin Yu.

But he is the prince of Xuanshuang Kingdom, I don't know if he is the person Xiao Linger mentioned.

"Does he look like this?"

Yun Jinli condensed Qin Yu's appearance with spiritual power, Xiao Ling'er nodded after seeing it.

"That's right! It's Mr. Qin! Do you know him too?"

Little Ling'er always thought that Qin Yu was an ordinary person, so even when the Hua family forced the marriage, they never thought of asking him for help.

"The Young Master Qin you mentioned is actually His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Xuanshuang Kingdom. How much do you need to redeem yourself?"

Yun Jinli spoke, which stunned Xiao Ling'er.

"one thousand."

Little Ling'er stammered, she didn't expect that the seemingly ordinary Mr. Qin was actually the prince of Xuanshuang Kingdom.

"This is your ransom money."

Yun Jinli left behind a blue crystal coin, which is equivalent to 1000 yuan.

Little Ling'er was holding the blue crystal coin in her hand, and looked at them again, but there was no one there.

After Yun Jinli and Feng Qingyun came out, there was a sudden fluctuation of the water mirror technique.

Yun Jinli condensed the water mirror technique and saw Bei Chenjue on the other side.

"Little Yunduo, Wusihua has escaped from the trap, and has entered Yunchuan City now, come to Huafu to meet me quickly."

Bei Chenjue asked, at the moment he was outside Huafu.

As soon as Xuezhan informed him of the news, he immediately told Yun Jinli.

Now only with Yun Jinli by his side can he feel relieved.

"Okay! I'll go there!"

Yun Jinli was also shocked when he heard that, and things got worse.

"Mo Yu, you send Xiao DianDian back to the mansion and stay on guard in the mansion. If there is any situation, please send us a message immediately."


Mo Yu drove the carriage and sent Xiao DianDian home.

There was also Yun Jinli's mother there, and now that Hua had entered the city in vain, she asked Mo Yu to go back and guard her.

There is a large array of guards at home, so it is safe for the time being.

Even if something happened, they could rush back after Mo Yu's summons.

"Mirror mirror, which direction are we going? I'll take you there!"

Feng Qingyun learned that Wu Sihua got out of trouble, it seems that he is really a crow's mouth, and whatever he says will come true.

Before he said what would happen if there was external damage, it didn't take long before something really went wrong.

"This way!"

Yun Jinli pointed in a direction, and Feng Qingyun flew away directly with her.

Without making Bei Chenjue wait too long, they appeared near the Huafu and found Bei Chenjue.

"After Wusihua got out of trouble, the first thing she should do is to look for Shen Tang or Patriarch Hua. After killing all the people she resents, she will start to attack other people to strengthen her own strength."

Yun Jinli said, "I don't know if the dead flower is here?"
"I didn't find any trace of the dead flower here, she didn't come to Huafu."

Bei Chenjue shook his head, if Wu Sihua approached here, he would be able to detect it.

"If she doesn't come here, where will she go?"

Yun Jinli asked suspiciously, isn't Tang Yun the person she hates the most, Shen Tang who hurt her, and Patriarch Hua who forcibly married her?

"What a woman hates the most should be her love rival!"

Feng Qingyun closed the fan in her hand and said something unintentionally.

"Not good! She went to the palace!"

Yun Jinli knew where Wusihua was now, it must be the palace of Xuanshuang Kingdom.

The person she hates the most is the princess who took away Song Shu. If she can't get it, she naturally doesn't want others to get it.

Her greatest wish is to marry Song Shu.But in the end, he married another woman.

Let me ask, how could she let go of the third party who took away her lover?
"Hopefully it's still too late!"

They rushed towards the palace, if Sisihua killed the princess in vain, her power would be even stronger.

At that time, no one can stop her from massacring the city!
(End of this chapter)

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