Chapter 805 How to pass this level

The other students were not optimistic about Yun Jinli either, and she was not from the Nangong family and had received special training since she was a child.

Beast control is very difficult. Even members of the Nangong family need to come to Longyuan Holy Mansion to train and learn.

A group of people followed the master to the outside of the forest where the experience was practiced. The outer area is a safe zone, but the inside is very dangerous.

Weak students dare not approach this forest at all, because there are many beasts and poisons in it.

"Jing, you have to enter this venetian forest, successfully tame a five-star or higher high-star beast, and bring it out, it will be considered as passing the exam of the beast control class."

Nangong Mobei said, the exams of their animal control class are all like this, there are not many new tricks.

Yun Jinli nodded, understood the rules, and walked forward.

Nangong Muchen held a white cat in his arms. He quietly put the cat down and let it sneak into the forest.

As long as Yun Jinli enters the forest, it will control the beasts in the forest to attack her.

"Let me see how you can pass this level?"

He had a sinister smile on his face, and he could blame Jing for making the woman he liked unhappy.With him here, she won't be able to pass the test easily.

As Yun Jinli walked towards Baiyelin, Nangong Muchen's smile became brighter and brighter.

Suddenly, she didn't leave, and under everyone's suspicious eyes, she picked a big rock and sat on it.

Then she sat cross-legged on the boulder, and the Tianlong Magic Qin appeared on her lap.

With a hook of her slender hand, the strings made a beautiful sound.

She played the piano with her eyes closed, and just sat there playing the piano quietly.

The sound she played was so beautiful that it made people feel that the soul was baptized by the rain.

The sound of the zither drifted leisurely into the forest, and the beast roars that had been rising and falling suddenly fell silent.

Flying birds hovered around her, and she was dressed in white, under the rendering of the white mist in the forest, like a banished fairy coming to the world.

She played "Between Mountains and Rivers", the sound of the piano was like the breeze in the mountains, the streams in the deep valleys, wandering in her heart.

Many spirit beasts wanted to come out to listen to the beautiful sound of the zither, but they were all blocked by Nangong Muchen's white cat, preventing them from leaving the Baiye Forest.

If you enter the forest, you can see that many five-star, six-star or even seven-star spirit beasts have gathered in the Baiye forest. Unfortunately, they are afraid of the white cat beside Nangong Muchen.

This white cat is an eight-star holy beast that can speak, but cannot take human form.

The aura of the eight-star holy beast suppressed these spirit beasts, making them tremble, not daring to take a step out of the hundred-leaf forest.

"Although the music sounds beautiful, it's a pity that the spirit beasts don't appreciate it."

"It looks like Mirror is going to fail this exam."

"She wants to control the spirit beast without entering the forest, it's too whimsical."

Everyone whispered that she would fail.

"Something's not right."

Nangong Bingxi heard the sound of Yun Jinli's zither and saw a hundred birds flying towards her, which meant that the sound of the zither was enough to affect the spirit beasts in the forest.

Even her beast tamer was a little moved, if she hadn't calmed down, she might have run to Jing's side.

How could it be possible that none of the spirit beasts in the hundred leaf forest came out?

She turned her head to look at Nangong Muchen with a proud face, and found that his white cat was missing, so she guessed that he was playing tricks in the dark.


She felt ashamed of his actions in her heart, and even secretly sabotaged her classmates' exams.

Nangong Muchen saw her gaze and smiled proudly at her.

Even if she knew, it would not be able to change the ending of Mirror's failure.

Nangong Mobei also felt something was wrong, and wondered why there was no movement in the forest.

Just when Yun Jinli's piano sound was about to end, a clear hissing sound resounded from above the Baiye Forest.

Everyone only saw a colorful rainbow appear in front of them, and then a rainbow unicorn so beautiful that people could not describe it in words appeared beside Yun Jinli.

(End of this chapter)

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