Chapter 806 Rainbow Winged Unicorn

This unicorn was as white as snow, as if it was a spiritual beast from the sky, with four hoofs churning, a long golden mane flying, and it came on the colorful clouds.

The unicorn is slender and handsome, with slender limbs and full of explosive power.The fur is like silk and satin, without a trace of variegation.

A pair of pupils as clear and pure as glass beads, as crystal clear as dewdrops.

A rainbow-colored spiral horn on the head exudes bursts of soft light at this moment, noble and holy, like a natural elf.

A pair of iridescent wings, each feather is translucent and shiny, twirling the soft light like moonlight.The fluffy tail is as bright as gold.

At this moment, the rainbow unicorn was lying on the grass, quietly listening to Yun Jinli playing the piano, and his eyes were full of humanized agility, expressing its liking.

Seeing that his white cat couldn't stop the rainbow unicorn, Nangong Muchen couldn't help showing a look of worry.

The beast tamers present felt the aura of this rainbow unicorn, and they all trembled, and even knelt down on the ground.

"Could this... be that rainbow unicorn in the deepest part of the Baiye Forest?"

Nangong Mobei looked at the picture in front of him in shock, rubbed his eyes, and couldn't believe what he saw was real.

"This unicorn is definitely a flying spirit beast above eight stars."

Nangong Bingxi saw that the rainbow unicorn was flawless, so beautiful that she couldn't help but her eyes glow.

Flying spirit beasts are rare, let alone such a holy unicorn.

This unicorn is very unusual, other unicorns don't have colorful spiral horns, but it has rainbow-like light all over its body, definitely the royal family among unicorns.


There was a sound of gasping for air, and everyone was terrified when they saw the eight-star holy beast. If it wasn't for the presence of a master here, and the fact that they were in a safe place, they would have been scared to death.

Yun Jinli finished playing the music, put away the Tianlong Magic Qin, and walked outside.

Seeing her leave, the rainbow unicorn got up after thinking about it and followed her.

It's just that it can't leave the range of the hundred-leaf forest. There is an enchantment in Longyuan Holy Mansion to prevent fierce beasts from entering.

"If you want to follow me, you need to bring the blue crystal pendant. Are you willing to follow me?"

Seeing that it wanted to come in, Yun Jinli opened his mouth to communicate with it.

This rainbow unicorn is really beautiful, and she doesn't have a flying mount now. It would be great if she could subdue this unicorn.

The unicorn nodded, agreeing with her.

Under everyone's envious eyes, Yun Jinli took out a pendant and put it on the unicorn's head.

The pendant looks like a blue gem. This thing does not require a spirit contract. It is used for simple animal taming, allowing the spirit beast and its owner to communicate with each other.

Wearing the spirit beast with the blue crystal pendant, it will be able to pass through the barrier of Longyuan Holy Mansion smoothly.

Seeing that Yun Jinli had successfully tamed a beautiful flying unicorn, Nangong Lianyi was extremely jealous.

"Master Nangong, don't you know if I can pass the test?"

Yun Jinli rode on the rainbow unicorn's back, it flapped its wings and carried her around in a circle before landing in front of everyone.

"Rainbow unicorns are different from other fierce beasts. It is very difficult to tame them. They are arrogant by nature. They only like to be close to nature and are very resistant to humans. I really admire you for being able to tame unicorns as mounts."

Nangong Mobei nodded and said that even he couldn't guarantee that he could tame a spirit beast like a unicorn.

They are very alert and dexterous, and they rarely appear in front of people's eyes. It is very difficult to find one end, unless they volunteer themselves.

"Give me your jade token."

Nangong Mobei said that it was the first time he saw such a talented student for taming animals, who made spirit beasts more intimate than the geniuses of their Nangong clan.

"Wait a minute, I suspect that Jing might be cheating."

Nangong Muchen said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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