The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 807: The Beast Spirit Mirror of the Nangong Clan

Chapter 807: The Beast Spirit Mirror of the Nangong Clan

"This unicorn may be Jing's own contracted spirit beast, which was deliberately brought out to deceive us."

Nangong Muchen didn't believe that the unicorn would come out from the depths of the forest to listen to the music of the piano.

He felt that Yun Jinli was cheating by letting the spirit beast he had originally contracted hide in the forest, and then ran out, thinking that he had successfully tamed a powerful spirit beast, so as to make a big splash.

"This is not impossible."

Nangong Mobei said, after all, being able to tame a unicorn is incredible.

"Yes or no, just verify it."

Nangong Bingxi took out a crystal mirror and shone it on Yun Jinli and Rainbow Unicorn.

In the mirror, they don't have any spiritual relationship, except for the connection of the blue crystal pendant, there is nothing else.

"There is no spiritual contract between them."

This is a treasure of the Nangong clan. It can judge whether a spirit beast has signed a spirit contract with a person, so as not to catch a spirit beast with an owner and annoy its owner.

Generally, before catching spirit beasts, they would use the beast spirit mirror to take a look.

"So I'm overthinking, I'm really sorry."

When Nangong Mobei saw the results of the Beast Spirit Mirror in Nangong Bingxi's hand, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face, he apologized, and rewarded Yun Jinli with transferring [-] star points, and stamped it on her jade card. The badge imprint of the completion of the animal control class.

"Congratulations, classmate Jing, for becoming an official spirit master. With this jade card, you can go to Lingbo Temple to exchange for the professional honor badge of a spirit master. The professional badge issued by Longyuan Shengfu is good for you after you go out in the future. Huge help, take the time to claim it."

He suspected that Yun Jinli was cheating just now, so he was a little embarrassed, so he specially reminded her.

"Well, I see."

Yun Jinli didn't blame him either, it was mainly Nangong Muchen who was tripping her up, and she could still tell the difference between good and bad.

Although Master Nangong was partial to the Nangong clan in her heart, it was justifiable, and she didn't care about it.

"Mirror, congratulations!"

Nangong Bingxi congratulated Yun Jinli, she was able to successfully pass the beast control test in such a short period of time, which is really amazing.

"Thank you."

Yun Jinli nodded slightly, her impression of Nangong Bingxi was not bad.

Although the Nangong clan had conflicts with her many times, she was a person with a clear distinction between likes and dislikes. Even if she was in the enemy's camp, not all of them were enemies.

Former enemies become friends, perhaps the most reliable comrades in arms.

Once friends become enemies, that will be the deadliest blade.

She is not afraid of thousands of enemies in front of her, but she is afraid that her partners around her will turn around and betray them.

"Student Jing is really a double blessing this time."

"That's right! Not only has he become an official spirit master, but he has also subdued such a domineering mount."

"I really want to try it."

"Then you can try it."

"Don't dare, I'm afraid of death."


Everyone went to continue the class, while Yun Jinli left the class and went to Lingbo Hall to exchange for the professional honorary medal.

The person who received her was still Bai Yuxuan who helped transform the spirit realm last time. There are usually not so many students here who want to transform to the spirit realm, so they are also responsible for customizing badges.

"Student, what can I do for you?"

Bai Yuxuan asked, with a gentle smile on her face.

"Receive the professional badge."

Yun Jinli handed her the jade token, and she immediately took it.

Soon, Bai Yuxuan handed over the two beautiful badges with Yun Jinli's unique brand, together with the jade badge, to her.

"Huh? Why two badges?"

Yun Jinli saw that the badge of honor was very delicate, and she didn't know what material it was made of. On it was the unique dragon-shaped relief of Longyuan Sacred Mansion, hovering over the edge of the badge.

Of these two badges, one is dark blue and the other is golden yellow.

The dark blue badge has the shape of a book, while the gold badge has an animal head in the center.

(End of this chapter)

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