Chapter 815

Since Yun Jinli had already broken the record, every time she passed a subject assessment, the record on the Wen Hua Ranking would be set again and shine again.

After she passed the examination of alchemy, the Wenhua List shone again, making it hard for everyone not to notice.

After Yun Jinli came out of the cell, she completed a few more coursework assessments.

Every time she took the exam, people came to watch, and even some masters came to watch.

At the moment they were watching Yun Jinli's assessment of his Qimen spells. This assessment was a question from the master, and Yun Jinli came to answer it on the spot.

"Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches, what are they?"

Yu Moxue, the master of Qimen's art class, is small and cute. She doesn't look very old, but she knows a lot of Qimen's Dunjia techniques.

"The ten heavenly stems are: A, B, C, D, E, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui."

Yun Jinli answered in a fluent manner, as if she didn't need to think about it, and everyone was stunned.

"The twelve Earthly Branches are: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai."

"Which eight gates are the eight gates?"

Yu Moxue sat on a chair, holding a book in her hand, and asked questions on whichever page she turned.

"The eight gates are: the gate of opening, the gate of rest, the gate of life, the gate of injury, the gate of duplication, the gate of scene, the gate of death, and the gate of surprise."

Yun Jinli answered clearly word by word, and the students at the side looked at the pages of the book, feeling that they were not as fluent as she was.

Others watched them ask and answer outside, and felt that there were too many knowledge points to memorize in this strange art class.

However, with such a difficult class, Yun Jinli passed the assessment smoothly.

"Xueba is worthy of being a Xueba!"

Everyone couldn't help but sigh with emotion that her wonderful performance in the exam was also spread by everyone, and she became famous for a while.

Yun Jinli passed the test of Daoism, Artifact Refining, Medicine, Divination, Poison and so on.

For twelve whole days, she was taking the exam, and finally, after the last lesson of drawing symbols, she passed all the Chinese exams.

In the last few days, the Wenhua List was lit up every day, and that eye-catching light dazzled for five whole days.

Yun Jinli got 97 star points and [-] badges issued by Longyuan Sacred Mansion as she wished.

Bai Yuxuan, who was in charge of awarding badges to her in Lingbo Palace, went from shock at the beginning to numbness at the end.

Originally, there were only 96 courses, but after completing all the course assessments, there is also a unique purple and gold badge called "Wenhua Supreme", which is really domineering.

It is the first time that the Wenhua List shines so brightly, and it also makes the masters of all subjects feel gratified.

I haven't seen the Wenhua List receive so much attention for many years. Everyone pays attention to the improvement of strength and ignores Wenxiu, so the Wenhua List has been dusted for a long time.

It is also the first time that everyone discovers that Xueba is also so dazzling!
Hua Liuyan applied for an early exam, held her pig's head in her head, and endured everyone's strange eyes to go to the exam. In the end, she didn't pass a few courses, but instead deducted hundreds of star points, making her want to cry without tears.

The only thing she was happy about was getting rid of Shanhe, who was an eyesore, but when she saw Shanhe reappeared in front of her after the confinement period was over, she thought she saw a ghost.

"Ugly, I made it out alive!"

Shanhe said provocatively towards Hua Liuyan, making Hua Liuyan feel a fishy sweetness in his throat on the spot, and a mouthful of blood gushed up.

Hua Liuyan knew that she looked ugly now, but no one else dared to say it out, but the instigator dared to shout in public like this, which made her lungs explode with anger.

She clenched her fists, wondering how Shanhe could have escaped?
Who is helping him?
And the last poisoning incident in Liulilou, who saved those people?
 Congratulations to Han Feier for becoming the master of this book!
  A generation of masters, extremely domineering! ^_^
  Thank you my favorite Patronus!love you forever!

(End of this chapter)

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