The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 816 I am not as good as Yun Jinli

Chapter 816 I am not as good as Yun Jinli

She got the news from her master that the Devil Emperor's people were lurking in the Longyuan Holy Mansion, and there were still people with yin and yang flowers on their bodies, so let her pay close attention.

It's just that she doesn't have any clues now, so she can only keep a close eye on Longyuan Holy Mansion secretly, always paying attention to any troubles.

Since Yun Jinli had never used Yin Yang Flower in front of her, she didn't notice it.

She knew that the demons were already preparing to act secretly, and as long as they took action, her white bird would find out.

She hated Yun Jinli very much, and every time she entered and exited the portal, she could see her name engraved on the top of the Wenhua list.

Always remind Hua Liuyan that he is not as good as Yun Jinli.

She also tried to put a Gu on Yun Jinli, but she didn't succeed.

Now that the master ordered her to do business, she could only temporarily suppress her resentment and look for the whereabouts of Yin Yang Hua first.

In fact, she is also very strange that she doesn't have any affection for such an outstanding young man as Yijing.

It seems that a woman's intuition is also terrible. She and Yun Jinli are enemies from the beginning, so her intuition is to hate her.

"I don't know who is the devil emperor's confidant?"

When she was guessing, the people of the Demon Race had already begun to act secretly.

"Master, our men have already set up an ambush, just waiting for the fish to take the bait."

A man knelt on the ground and said to a woman standing in front of him.

"Very well. Now that the net has been cast, the bait cannot be missed."

The woman was wearing a mask with a ghostly face, on which there were coquettish flower reliefs, and a pair of fox eyes were fierce.

The bright red nails look extraordinarily enchanting.Wearing a pendant ring on the finger, it looks exquisite.

"Did someone catch it?"

"Already caught."

The man replied respectfully, the ghostly woman in front of him is very honorable, and as a member of the demon clan, he will swear allegiance to the death.

"Then wait for the fish to throw itself into the trap."

The ghostly woman waved her hand, and the man in front of her disappeared into a black mist.

Soon, in Yun Jinli's glazed building, a wooden leaf and a piece of paper were found.

The first person to discover these two things was Xiao Hanxi. After experiencing the poisoning incident in Liulilou last time, he still came to Liulilou to help after he finished integrating the Xiao Clan.

He found Yun Jinli immediately and told her about it.

"Jin'er, look at this thing, do you recognize it?"

"This is Ruoxin's belonging."

When Yun Jinli saw the wooden leaf, she immediately recognized that it was Mu Ruoxin's belongings.

She saw the content on the paper and asked her to go to the Jade and Bamboo Forest outside the Longyuan Holy Mansion alone at midnight.

There is no other content, except for this one wooden leaf.

"I'll check Ruoxin's whereabouts first, don't act rashly, this must be a trap."

Xiao Hanxi said, even though he is the young master of the Xiao clan, he may be cold in front of outsiders, but in front of her, he is still the Xiao Zhang who can cook delicious food.

"Well, thank you Brother Xiao."

Yun Jinli nodded, no matter what his identity or name is now, he is the brother Xiao she knew first.

"No matter what happens, we will face it together, don't worry."

Xiao Hanxi comforted her, and immediately asked people from the Xiao clan to check on Mu Ruoxin's situation.

Knowing that Mu Ruoxin disappeared this afternoon and did not return to her residence, I don't know where she went.

"Ruoxin should have been taken away, but who took her away? Who else knows about my relationship with her?"

In order for Mu Ruoxin to practice safely in the Longyuan Holy Mansion, Yun Jinli specially told her not to come to the Glazed Realm to walk with her, so that she could practice and study with peace of mind.

The two of them are in a master-servant relationship, so no one should know about it.

"I have to save her."

Mu Ruoxin was originally safe and secure in Longyuan Saint Mansion, but now she was arrested because of her.

Although the paper didn't explain anything, she could guess that if she didn't go, that person would be bad for Mu Ruoxin.

(End of this chapter)

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