The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 817 It's Not Worth Your Risk

Chapter 817 It's Not Worth Your Risk
"Jin'er, that's just a servant, it's not worth your risk, we just leave this matter to the law enforcement team."

Xiao Hanxi held Yun Jinli back, in his opinion, no one is more important than her safety.

"Ruoxin is not a servant, she is mine. If I can't even protect my own people, then I am not qualified to be called a strong person."

Yun Jinli said that there are only three kinds of people in her world, friends, enemies and passers-by.

"We don't have any evidence that Ruoxin is in danger, and the law enforcement team will not intervene."

The other party was very cunning, he just gave Mu Ruoxin something close to him, and promised her to come to the Jasper Bamboo Forest, without saying any unfavorable threats.

Without any evidence, how could she get the law enforcement team out?

"So you are determined to go?"

Xiao Hanxi didn't know who was plotting against Yun Jinli. It wasn't long before the Liulilou incident subsided, and now there is the kidnapping of Mu Ruoxin.

They are so smart that they naturally understand that this is a trap.

With Xiao Hanxi's shrewdness and sophistication, he would not take risks for a servant, but Yun Jinli is too affectionate and righteous, and it is easy to suffer in this regard.


Yun Jinli nodded, and Bai Li and Xiao DianDian also followed her when they got the news.

The rainbow unicorn was too conspicuous, so she left the unicorn in the yard.

"She is really stubborn. Once she makes a decision, no one can dissuade her."

Xiao Hanxi shook his head helplessly. If she insisted on going, he could only go to make arrangements immediately and secretly support her.

Yun Jinli and his party left the Glazed Realm and went to the Jasper and Bamboo Forest. When she left, they sent a message to Feng Liuyue to inform her of this and asked her to help find Mu Ruoxin's whereabouts.

The other party asked her to go there in the middle of the night, so she naturally wouldn't wait for that time to pass.

She planned to go to the Jasper Bamboo Forest in advance to investigate and prepare. This Jasper Bamboo Forest is located on a deserted island outside the Longyuan Holy Mansion. In addition to the Twelve Spirit Realm, there is a circle of floating islands around the Longyuan Holy Mansion. It belongs to the territory of Longyuan Saint Mansion, and it can be regarded as a place of experience.

Only the Twelve Spirit Realms have enchantment guards, and the training grounds are full of dangers, and no patrols pass by.

That's why the opponent chose this place, just to get Yun Jinli out of the range of Longyuan Holy Mansion, otherwise the guardians and law enforcement team of Longyuan Holy Mansion would be a big obstacle after all.

She released the paper butterfly, flew to the deserted island, and found the place mentioned in the letter.

"There are ambushes on the whole island, and there are a lot of people, but Ruoxin is not on the island."

The Yun Jinli people had already found out the situation before arriving on the island.

"Look for Ruoxin."

She asked Zhidie to look for Mu Ruoxin everywhere, if she could rescue Mu Ruoxin in advance, there would be no need to go into the other party's ambush.

"Xiao Jin, I'll go to the island to look for it myself, maybe I can find something."

Bai Li opened his mouth and said that the other party might have hidden him on the island.

"Let's go up and have a look together, be careful not to disturb them."

Yun Jinli found out that the other party had ambushed a large number of people, so in order to deal with her, it was considered a big battle.

"Miss sister, before you go, let me do a divination first, I have learned the art of divination."

Xiaodiandian took out a tortoise shell and started divination.

Regardless of his young age, divination is also decent.

As a few copper coins fell to the ground, Xiao DianDian's expression was a bit dignified.

"Miss, this trip is very dangerous!"

He looked at the hexagrams, this deserted island might be dangerous.

"Dian Dian, can you figure out where Ruo Xin is?"

When Yun Jinli saw the ambush laid by the other party, he knew that they were well prepared.

"I count."

Xiaodiandian counted with her fingers, quite like a fortune teller.

"It should be on this island, but I don't know where it is hidden."

(End of this chapter)

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