Chapter 821 Willing To Be Your Knife
Feng Liuyue's long sword was like frost, falling towards Jackdaw's body.

Jackdaw avoids her sharp sword edge, turns into thousands of crows, and surrounds Fengliuyue so that she can't find which one is his real body.

"Tips for carving insects."

Feng Liuyue looked at the shadows of crows in the sky with cold eyes, and the long sword in her hand was flying, turning into thousands of sword lights and flying out in all directions.

"Wan Jian Piao Xue!"

Holding the Snow Phoenix Excalibur in her hand, she exuded an invincible aura.


Jackdaw was struck by sword energy and fell to the ground.

Feng Liuyue just glanced at him coldly, and chased after the fleeing figure.

That woman was her target this time. If it wasn't for this guy's hindrance, it would be impossible for her to escape.

Jackdaw saw that icy and frosty figure, a peerless figure, which made him feel out of reach.

"Why did she just leave?"

He didn't understand why Feng Liuyue defeated him, but didn't kill him, didn't catch him, but left him here.

In Feng Liuyue's eyes, he is just an abandoned son, not worth her trouble to kill.

Since he stayed behind, even if he was arrested, the result would be the same as the girl who committed the crime last time.

So Feng Liuyue ignored him, and went after that woman after removing the obstacles.

However, that woman was very cunning, leaving her aura in all directions, making it impossible to determine her location.

"I don't know what happened to Li'er?"

She didn't catch up with the ghostly woman, and rushed back to the Glazed Realm immediately.

Yun Jinli brought Mu Ruoxin to the Yunxue Starry Sky, and Mu Ruoxin, who came here for the first time, had a look of amazement in his eyes.

"Miss, this place is so beautiful!"

Mu Ruoxin couldn't help but said, surprise was written on her little face.

This yard is not only beautiful, but also planted a lot of precious flowers and plants, which looks too beautiful to behold.

"Ruoxin, someone already knows that you and I know each other. It's no longer safe for you to be in the spiritual realm outside. If you come to the glazed realm, I can protect you."

Yun Jinli sat on the swing and said slowly.

"Miss, if Xin doesn't want your protection, since I follow you, I am willing to be your knife, your sword, not your burden."

Mu Ruoxin shook her head, she didn't follow Yun Jinli to be protected.

It was Yun Jinli who saved her grandfather, gave her respect and stability, and saved her life when she was in danger. She is not a person who does not know what to repay.

"That's what I said, but you are too weak. If you are targeted, you will hurt the little sister."

Xiaodian said bluntly, as if this time was extremely dangerous, if Yun Jinli hadn't purified the souls of those powerful soul puppets with You Epiphyllum, they might have been trapped to death in the formation.

Even so, they were close to death at that time, and when the world collapsed, they would also be buried there.

Fortunately, Yun Jinli's Blue Tears and Crescent Moon saved everyone's lives and let everyone escape from death.

A large formation was engraved in the Blue Tears Crescent, and Yun Jinli had already quietly carved a teleportation formation in the secret place of the Liulijing, so that he could teleport away in case of danger.

It can be teleported as long as it is not in a combat state. This is the best life-saving thing her second master gave her.

It was also because of the existence of Lan Lei Yue Ya that Yun Jinli took Xiao Dian Dian and Bai Li together, otherwise she would not let them take risks together.

"Miss, I was too careless this time. I didn't know that I was being targeted. Next time, such a thing will not happen again, I promise."

Mu Ruoxin bit her lip, determined to be a helpful person to the lady, not a drag on her.

"what's your plan?"

Yun Jinli asked, not blaming her, but wanting to hear her decision.

(End of this chapter)

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