Chapter 822

"This wooden leaf was given to me by my grandfather. After he asked me to enter the holy mansion, I took it to find the person he had followed. But I don't know where that person is, and I didn't find it among the masters. .”

Mu Ruoxin said that she wanted to find that person, this was her grandfather's order, and she believed it must be right.

"Do you know the name or other information about that person?"

Yun Jinli felt that what Mu Ruoxin said was feasible, if someone protected her, then there was no need to come to the Glazed Realm.

Although Liulijing is relatively safe, it is not foolproof.

"Well. Grandpa said that the person's surname is Tang, and he should be an octogenarian now. It's just that I didn't find the person Grandpa mentioned among the masters. I'm just worried that that senior has left Longyuan Sacred Mansion."

Mu Ruoxin held the leaf in her hand. Her grandfather had risked his life to save that senior Tang in his early years.

For grandpa's sake, he will protect her.

In this way, she doesn't need Miss to worry about herself.

"I only know one old man surnamed Tang, and that is the tower keeper of the Treasure Pavilion, called Old Tang."

Yun Jinli remembered such a person, which fits Mu Ruoxin's description.

"Treasure Pavilion! I have never been to that place, and there are no special circumstances in normal times. No one can approach it."

Mu Ruoxin couldn't help feeling a little disappointed when she heard the words, she was not qualified to approach a place like Zangbao Pavilion.

"We can't get close, but someone can. Is the person you're looking for old Tang, I'll ask someone to show him the token, and then I'll know."

Yun Jinli said, it's late at night now, and when he goes to see Mr. Mo tomorrow, he can find out whether Mr. Tang is the one Mu Ruoxin is looking for.

"You rest here tonight, and I will help you find someone to ask tomorrow."

She knew that Mu Ruoxin must have been terrified after this incident, and needed a good rest.

Mu Ruoxin is just a teenage girl, she hasn't experienced too many storms, and she is not crying now, which already shows that she is strong enough.

"Thank you ma'am."

A smile appeared on Mu Ruoxin's face. To be honest, she was very scared, but she didn't want Miss to worry about her.

"Then you sleep in the guest room, and Diandian and I will squeeze together next to Yunxuan."

Bai Li gave up the room. At this time, Yun Xuan hadn't slept yet, and had been waiting for them to come back.

Seeing that everyone has come back safely, Yun Xuan finally relieved Gao Xuan's heart.

"I'll take you to your room."

Xiaodiandian led the way for Mu Ruoxin, while Baili jumped to sit beside Yun Jinli.

"Xiao Jin, those demons already know that you have Yin Yang Flower and You Epiphyllum on your body, do you have a countermeasure?"

Bai Li knows the insidiousness and cunning of the demon race, especially the demon emperor Yintu is bound to win the Five Spirit Flower.

Now that they are planning to put her to death, this Longyuan Sacred Mansion is afraid that it will become a place of right and wrong.

"I haven't figured out a countermeasure yet."

Yun Jinli shook her head, she was still thinking of a countermeasure.

"Yueyue is here."

She opened a path for Feng Liuyue to walk in.

"Li'er, the five spirit flower must not fall into the hands of the demons. This generation of devil emperors is cruel and ruthless, ambitious, and definitely not a kind person. Once he has the five spirit flower, there will be no peace for the three thousand spirit realms." .”

Feng Liuyue saw that Yun Jinli had returned safely, and came to her side.

Bai Li jumped into Yun Jinli's arms and lay on her stomach, while Feng Liuyue sat on the swing.

The moonlight was soft and the lights in the yard were warm. Even the beautiful flowers and grasses could not match the beauty of the two of them.

"I know the seriousness of this matter, but now that the secret of my possession of the spirit flower has been discovered, I'm afraid there will be a storm and there will be no peace."

Seeing the concern in Feng Liuyue's eyes, Yun Jinli felt a warm current in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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