Chapter 824 The owner of this Konoha

"Do you still remember that piece of Divine Phoenix Feather? The Divine Phoenix Feather can withstand a fatal blow from a powerhouse above Supreme. You inject the Divine Phoenix Feather into your own soul brand, and then divide it into several parts."

Feng Liuyue said unhurriedly, originally she didn't want Yun Jinli to take out her life-saving things, but if she survived alone and those companions were murdered, she would not be happy even if she lived forever.

"In this way, although the effect of the Divine Phoenix Feather is much weaker, it can still protect them. As long as the opponent's strength is not superior to the Supreme, it can save their lives for a while."

"That's right! I can engrave a magic circle in the Divine Phoenix Feather, and when the Divine Phoenix Feather functions, it will be teleported to my side."

Yun Jinli felt that this method was feasible. It would not only allow Yun Xuan and the others to practice in the Holy Mansion, but also save their lives when they were in mortal danger.

"With Aunt Huang and the others guarding here, there won't be any major problems."

Feng Liuyue told her not to worry too much, everyone has their own way to go, and the long way ahead has to depend on oneself.


Yun Jinli immediately divided the Divine Phoenix Feather into four parts, and then carefully engraved them on the magic circle. She prepared the Divine Phoenix Feathers for Yunxuan, Xiaodiandian, Xiaoyunyi and Mu Ruoxin respectively.

Feng Liuyue took the paper spirit flower and left Yunxue Xingkong to arrange their plans.

The next day, news spread from the Holy Mansion that the Yin Yang Flower and You Epiphyllum Flower among the Five Spirit Flowers were found by the law enforcement team on a deserted island, and there were traces of the war on them.

Now Yin Yang Flower and You Epiphyllum Flower have been secretly sent out of Longyuan Holy Mansion and handed over to Holy Master Thirteen.

Many people witnessed the process of the law enforcement team sending the two spirit flowers away.

Among them, several powerful Supreme Realm masters personally escorted them to prevent anyone from snatching the spirit flower.

In addition, due to the influence of the demons infiltrating into the holy mansion, in order to ensure the safety of Longyuan, the holy hall will close the entrance and exit of the holy mansion in the next few days, and all the students of the holy hall must rush back within five days.

Yun Jinli arranged everything and was ready to break through the barrier and enter the holy hall.

This was also part of Feng Liuyue's plan, to make the demons think that the two spirit flowers had left the holy mansion, and asked Yun Jinli to break through and enter the holy hall.

The sanctuary will be closed soon. As long as she successfully enters the sanctuary in the next few days, even if she makes a big noise inside, the outside will not know, and those demons who are mixed in the sanctuary will not Know that she is inside the church.

During the period when the sanctuary is closed, it is impossible to communicate with each other until it is reopened.

"Everything is settled, Mr. Tang said that he hopes to meet the owner of this wooden leaf."

Feng Liuyue gave Mu Yezi to Elder Tang, and Elder Tang was very excited when he saw this leaf. It seems that there must be some relationship between them.

"Ruoxin, take Mu Yezi and go to the Zangbao Pavilion! Elder Tang wants to see you!"

Yun Jinli said, and handed the wooden leaf in Feng Liuyue's hand to her.

Mu Ruoxin took Mu Yezi to Zangbao Pavilion and met Mr. Tang smoothly.

"Son, where did you get this wooden leaf?"

Elder Tang looked at her and asked, with a look of emotion and nostalgia on his face.

"Senior, my grandfather gave it to me. He asked me to find an old man named Tang."

Mu Ruoxin replied, looking at the old man's gentle gaze, she became much more courageous.

"What's your name?"

A rare smile appeared on Elder Tang's face, making him look more amiable.

"Senior, my name is Mu Ruoxin."

When Mu Ruoxin said her name, Elder Tang nodded, seeing that she had the shadow of Elder Mu back then, he made an exception and allowed her to stay.

"If you don't dislike it, you can practice with the old man in the future!"

Mu Ruoxin nodded emphatically, and after telling Yun Jinli the good news, she came to the Treasure Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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