Chapter 825 Maybe Narrow Death

Yun Jinli gave Mu Ruoxin a small divine phoenix feather, and arranged for Xiaodiandian, Xiaoyunyi and Yunxuan to inform Su Yehui and the others that she was going to the Holy Church, and let them declare to the outside world that she was going to practice.

She left a letter for Xiao Hanxi and asked Yun Xuan to bring it to him alone.

"The road ahead is full of dangers, and it may be close to death, Xiaobai, you can take Xiaoqing to stay in the cloud and snow starry sky."

Yun Jinli said to Bai Li alone that she was going to break through to enter the holy hall, and also to go to the peerless curtain below, and she didn't know if she would survive every step.

There are too many dangers ahead, she gives Bai Li and Ling Ling a choice.

"Xiao Jin, no matter where you go, whether you go to heaven or earth, I will accompany you."

Bai Li knew that the road ahead was dangerous, and she couldn't let her face it alone, he would accompany her.

"Lingyi's injury is too serious, I let her stay and guard our home."

"it is good."

Yun Jinli concocted a healing elixir for Ling, but she was too seriously injured, and it really wasn't appropriate to follow her on the verge of life and death.

The rainbow unicorn insisted on following Yun Jinli, so it entered the trapped dragon ball.

She came to the junction of the holy mansion and the holy hall. There are nine levels of barriers. As long as she successfully passes through the barriers, she can directly obtain the qualification to enter the holy hall.

Jiuzhongguan is nine dragon pillars, lined up together, it looks like there is only one dragon pillar.

She didn't know whether the Lingxi Orb could be used in the temple, so she held the Lingxi Orb before going to break through.

It's just that the other party didn't respond. At this moment, Bei Chenjue was being tempered by Thunder in the Thunder Pond.

Now his physique is getting stronger and stronger. Although he is also in the Thunder Pool, he doesn't look as miserable as before.

It's just that he still has to bear the pain tempered by Thunder, and everything is to live so that he can have a future with her.

He understands that this is a cruel world, where the weak prey on the strong and the strong respect.

To protect his little cloud, he must be stronger than anyone else.

At the same time, Xilingtian is receiving inheritance in the holy land of the ancient Dragon Soul Kingdom.

A huge phantom of a holy lion condensed behind him, and thousands of streams of light rushed towards him.

This is a real inheritance, and it can also be said to be a new life.

After the inheritance is over, is he still him?


He looked into the sky, but he couldn't see anything, only a wisp of floating clouds, hanging in the heart of the blue sky.

He was only afraid that the beautiful image in his memory would disappear with the clouds.

He engraved the word "Jinli" on his thumb.

"Even if I forget everything, you are still engraved deep in my soul."

He closed his eyes, this finger is the token of the King of Xiling, no matter what he will not leave him.

He is looking forward to the reunion one day in the future, they will definitely meet again, he firmly believes!
Unable to contact Bei Chenjue, Yun Jinli put away the Lingxi Orb and decided to start breaking through.

She stepped into the first door, and everyone encountered different content when breaking through the level. This is where the nine levels are difficult to break through.

The experience of the predecessors is useless here, and you have to rely entirely on your own adaptability.

Countless students from the Holy Palace were blocked by the Nine Passes. Can Yun Jinli successfully break through and become the first among the freshmen to enter the Holy Hall?

After entering the first door, Yun Jinli saw a wall in front of him.

There is a relief on the wall, carving a blue mouse.

The next moment, the mouse on the wall jumped out of the wall and rushed towards Yun Jinli.

"This is the Green Wood Mouse."

She saw more and more green wood rats rushing out, turning into a rat tide.

This green wood mouse seems to have the attack power of a four-star spirit beast, but the number is so large that it makes one's scalp tingle.

"Huokemu, this level should be to kill all these green wood mice."

In Yun Jinli's hand, the butterfly and phoenix flames rose, and the blue butterfly fluttered around her, which was dazzlingly beautiful.

 Congratulations to Ziyan for becoming the rudder of this book!mwah!

  Geer cheers for every candidate!bless!
(End of this chapter)

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