Chapter 828 I Can Only Help You Get Here

Yun Jinli's sword has reached the power of the Supreme Realm.

The powerful and domineering sword intent, carrying the spiritual power of extinction and the spiritual power of flames, broke through layers of strong winds, and approached Gale Peacock.

However, Gale Peacock's tail wrapped it like a huge cocoon, forming the toughest defense.

This was Yun Jinli's strongest blow now, if she couldn't break through its defense, then she would have no chance.


The two forces collided together, making a terrible explosion.

The waves of fire billowed, and the dust rose into the sky.

After Yun Jinli delivered this blow, she returned to her original appearance, while Bai Li lay weakly in her arms.

Her long hair turned black again, as if everything just now was an illusion.

"Xiaobai, how are you doing?"

Seeing Xiaobai's weak appearance, Yun Jinli knew that he had given all his strength for herself, and she was very moved from the bottom of her heart.

He trusted her so wholeheartedly and put his life into her hands, this friendship was too heavy.

"Xiao Jin, I can only help you here. If you can't succeed, even if you go to hell, I will accompany you."

Bai Li looked at her with bright eyes, he had tried his best.

With the help of her and Bei Chenjue these days, his strength has recovered quickly, but how can he match the strength accumulated over thousands of years?
If there is no adventure, he will have at least a thousand years before he can recover to his former strength.

But he still doesn't know if they can break through this level.

"Xiaobai, you have already helped me a lot, now, leave it to me."

Yun Jinli hugged the little fox, looked forward, the dust dispersed, and the body of Gaefeng Peacock was revealed in front of her eyes.

It was like a hill, with a cold air on its body, the sword only left a scar on its body, and did not cause fatal damage to it.

Under the Supreme Being, they are all ants.

She actually hurt it, making it very angry.

"Little ants dare to hurt the deity, your path will come to an end here."

Although Gaefeng Peacock is condensed from this strange place, it also has spiritual wisdom.

Even if they die here, they will be reborn again. As long as someone randomly selects these nine levels, it will appear again.


The tail wings of Gaefeng Peacock bloomed, and the beautiful colorful feathers have now turned into a deadly rain of swords, falling towards Yun Jinli's body.

"It seems that we can only let Lord Ta take action. It's a pity that those three opportunities were missed."

Yun Jinli knew that the spirit beasts here were not real, so neither Supreme Gu nor Bi Luo could be used.

Then there are only three opportunities for Ta Ye to make a phone call, which can help her overcome this hurdle.

Just when she was about to communicate with Master Ta, an unexpected figure appeared in front of her eyes.

It was a tall and charming man in a scarlet feather robe, exuding a terrifying aura.

A golden flame floated in the palm of his hand, and the flame turned into a phoenix, smashing the rain of swords in the sky, and charged towards the gale-like peacock that was like a hill.

"A turkey and a dog, it's vulnerable."

The man in the red robe pursed his lips, and the arrogant tone sounded so pleasant to Yun Jinli's ears at this moment.


The mountain-like gale peacock turned into flying ash under Yun Jinli's gaze.

It also uses flames, but in the palm of his hand, the flames have the terrifying power of destroying heaven and earth.

This is the difference in strength.

After she breaks through to Supreme, the Butterfly Phoenix Flame in her hand will also transform accordingly.

"God, long time no see."

Yun Jinli greeted God Luanqing, God knows how he appeared?

The Great God Luanqing glanced at Yun Jinli from above, and then the Great God became angry immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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