Chapter 829

"Woman, if this god comes later, will he still be alive? You stupid woman! I'm so mad at this god."

Luanqing said in a high-spirited manner, this little woman dared to single out the beast Liefeng Peacock before she reached the Supreme Realm.

Say she is brave?Still stupid?

Most importantly, how could this woman have so little life left?

His majestic fate is closely tied to her. If she dies, no matter how awesome he is, he will still bury this little girl with her.

If he hadn't relied on his natal contract to tear apart the space and teleport to her side, God knows when he would die inexplicably.

Then he must die in peace.

"What's the matter with you Shouyuan?"

He asked bluntly, with an unknown anger in his heart, as if not only because of her death, but also himself.

He was also angry that she didn't take good care of himself, and she was in such a miserable situation.

"I just made a small deal with Shenpo, calm down, calm down!"

Seeing Luanqing appearing, Yun Jinli felt much more at ease.

Although there is a big discrepancy between them, life and fate are connected, no matter how reluctant he is, he still wants to protect her.

It's not a bad thing to suddenly find out that there is such a god-level natal contracted spirit beast.

"Damn woman! You! You actually made a deal with Shenpo, you can touch that damn thing?"

Luanqing was very angry, he knew the danger of Shenpo, even he was terrified when he heard about Shenpo, she dared to make a deal with Shenpo.

This little woman is the first person in the world who traded with the soul and survived.

He felt that his own life was in the hands of such a scary little woman, it's too fucking hanging.

"Yes! Not only can I touch it, but I also carry it with me every day."

Yun Jinli nodded, and showed God Luanqing the soul on the crystal cherry blossom ring.

When the soul is integrated into the cherry blossom ring, no one would think that this drop of clear dew is the soul when there is no breath.


Great God Luanqing saw that she was still carrying the soul with her, and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Crazy! You woman is completely crazy."

"Thank you for the compliment, people can't survive without being crazy."

Yun Jinli took Bai Li into the Dragon Ball, this was a token from Feng Liuyue, representing their friendship.

The snowflakes in the Dragon Ball are so beautiful that they look like small ornaments.

However, it was such a small sleepy dragon ball that brought her a lot of help.

"If you want to be a madman, don't bring this god with you. My life and Tianqi have been tricked by you to the point where I only have a fraction left to live."

The great god Luanqing said quietly, like a middle-aged resentful woman.

Yun Jinli couldn't stand the resentful little eyes.

It only takes a second for the great god to become a bitter woman.

"Great God, don't be discouraged, am I still alive? When I break through to the Supreme Realm, I can live longer. In addition, if I gather all the five spirit flowers, the contract between me and the soul can be released."

Yun Jinli glanced at the flower of death on her wrist, four petals had already bloomed, and her time was running out.


Master Luanqing snorted arrogantly and coldly, his heart was terribly angry, but seeing the flower of death on her wrist and her haggard and stubborn appearance at the moment, he couldn't continue to lose his temper.

"It's the first time I met a stupid woman like you. I made a deal with Shenpo, and I didn't see that you got any benefit. You are still so weak."

He was still very venomous, as if he was born at odds with Yun Jinli.

"Ha ha."

Yun Jinli just smiled and said nothing, making Master Luanqing feel like his fist hit the cotton.

"What happened to your revenge?"

She asked, anyway, this guy is also her natal contractor, so she still needs to care about it.

(End of this chapter)

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