Chapter 836

"You can actually try asking her to use the ancient emperor sword to help you cut off the soul contract. I heard that the ancient emperor sword can cut off all curse connections, maybe it can cut off the soul contract."

The Great God Luanqing said, Didi Liuliu rolled his eyes.

"Spirit is the tear of the goddess of creation. No matter how powerful the ancient emperor's sword is, it can't cut off the contract of the goddess of creation. Why do I think you want to try, can the ancient emperor's sword cut off our natal contract? "

Yun Jinli glanced suspiciously at God Luanqing, and the person who had been spotted turned away with embarrassment on his face.

"You want to cut off our contract, but I just won't let you. If you want to try, go find Yueyue yourself."

"you are vicious."

God Luanqing guessed Feng Liuyue's identity, so he didn't want to get in touch with her at all.

That woman is terrifying, especially the one his enemy likes.

"The Goddess of War... the owner of the Ancient Emperor Sword, could it be her?"

Bai Li has been cultivating in the training room for the past few days, and has recovered his vitality.

He remembered that a long time ago, a female God of War appeared in the Three Thousand Spiritual Realm, and she was a deadly enemy with the god emperor Xue Manchuan.

It is not without reason that she is known as the Goddess of War, but she has never lost in any duel with her.

Originally, the Heavenly Palace of the God Emperor was extremely powerful, but because of the Goddess of War, the power of the Heavenly Palace was greatly weakened.

He also glanced at the female God of War from a distance, and beside her was a huge snow wolf king, like a goddess of revenge, as cold as frost.

He just saw a figure, but didn't see the woman's appearance.

When Yun Jinli heard that the Great God Luanqing was so jealous of the former owner of the Ancient Emperor Sword, he was also very curious, what kind of female God of War could make him lose his composure like this?

She walked out of the scope of the training room, which was built in the stone wall on the side of Longyuan, which can be said to be a stone cave.

She felt that the speed of cultivation there was very fast, which should be related to something in Longyuan.

But that should be Longyuan's ultimate secret, and she doesn't know the specifics at the moment.

Walking out of the training room, there is a forest road outside.

She remembered the route to the temple, so she walked directly to the temple.

There are hundreds of people in the church, but not all of them know each other.Everyone is generally only familiar with the masters on the Longzun Ranking, and some particularly outstanding big shots.

There is no lack of inconspicuous little people everywhere, even in the sanctuary.

Yun Jinli walked all the way, but no one paid special attention to her, which allowed her to reach the temple smoothly.

The temple stands in the center of the earth, looking magnificent and domineering.

The area within Longyuan is very large, and the territory they occupy is only a small part of Longyuan.

Dragon Abyss is endless, bottomless and endless.

The land suspended in the middle of Longyuan is a large stone protruding from the stone wall of Longyuan, on which the temple is built.

This stone is very large, and the sanctuary is like a small city, with high walls built around it, and I don't know what kind of invasion it is guarding against.

"The surrounding walls are not simple! They are engraved with complex talismans, which strengthen the defense."

God Luanqing is well-informed, even if he is far away, he can still see clearly the talismans on the wall.

"The sky is also full of large formations, which should be preventing something from invading."

"There are Phantom Spirit Emperors everywhere here, and there are Supreme Guards, and you need to be so careful. I'm afraid that the existence of this temple has a special meaning."

Yun Jinli had a guess in her mind, but she was new here and didn't know the situation here, so she didn't think too much about it.

Approaching the tall and majestic temple, she saw a dragon sculpture at the gate of the temple.

Longyuan Holy Mansion seems to respect the dragon very much, and there are dragon sculptures everywhere, as if it is a kind of totem of worship, or for other reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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