Chapter 837 The Mysterious Longyuan

Many people may think that Longyuan Holy Mansion is an advanced college, but now Yun Jinli has gradually discovered that Longyuan Holy Mansion is guarding the peerless tomb suspected to be the emperor Xue Manchuan on the one hand, and guarding the mysterious Longyuan Palace on the other. .

Where does the end of Longyuan lead?

What exists under Longyuan?
She vaguely felt that it might be related to her future, but she also felt that she might be worrying unfoundedly.

"Get out of the way! Don't block Master Xia's way!"

There was a sound of scolding, and several people cleared the road arrogantly.

The people walking on the road were forcibly pushed away. Although everyone's faces were displeased, they could only hold back their dissatisfaction when they learned that they were members of the Xia clan.

The Xia Clan has a lot of power in the holy hall, there are a few strong ones on the Dragon Venerable List, and there are also masters in the Supreme Realm, so there are not many people attached to the Xia Clan.

Yun Jinli did not give way to the side, but stepped into the temple one step ahead of time.

"Yo ho! The blue-clothed boy in front is quite courageous, and actually entered the temple directly on the path cleared by the Xia clan."

"He must be in trouble."

"This kid looks a little unfamiliar."

While everyone was discussing in low voices, Yun Jinli had already walked into the temple.

There is a stone reception desk at the front, and there stands a woman in a light yellow pleated ruyi moon skirt, with bright red lips and bright teeth inside, looking very energetic.

Her hair is dotted with bright flowers, and pink beads fall to her ears, setting off the black hair and making it more shiny.

Yun Jinli glanced at a name wooden sign placed on the stage, on which was written: "Li Yunxiao".

"This is the registration office for new students. If you want to accept the task, please go inside."

A smile appeared on Li Yunxiao's goose egg face. She was in charge of receiving new students in the temple. Since the number of new students was very small, she was usually responsible for maintaining the order of the temple.

When the others saw Yun Jinli come here, they all showed amused faces, thinking that she must be dizzy to make such a low-level mistake.

"I came here to report, and I didn't go to the wrong place."

Yun Jinli took out the jade tablet and said calmly.

"You! Are you the one who broke through the Nine Passes a few days ago?"

Li Yunxiao couldn't help opening her mouth wide, and looked at her in shock.

"Yes! Is there anyone else coming in these days?"

Yun Jinli nodded and asked suspiciously.

"No, you're the only one."

Li Yunxiao picked up the golden dragon jade card, and she was able to register it successfully, which showed that she was really the freshman.

She glanced at the name, and it was not unfamiliar at all.

"Jing, isn't this the No. [-] Xueba on the Wenhua Ranking? I didn't expect that besides being a Xueba, he is also a genius in cultivation."

When Li Yunxiao saw this name, she was very impressed.

The shining light of the Wenhua List impresses everyone who has seen it.

"It's already registered. This is your dormitory key. You must keep a low profile. Although it's your first time to visit the Holy Church, many people are jealous of your number one position in the Wenhua List."

Li Yunxiao reminded Yun Jinli through voice transmission that her reputation was too great, and her reputation earned by her talent could actually resound throughout the holy hall.

This made those who couldn't make it to the Dragon Ranking List very uncomfortable.

How can a weak scholar be famous in the church, but they are so powerful but not known?

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me."

Yun Jinli put away the key and hung up the golden dragon jade plaque.

"It turns out that this little guy is Mengxin who broke through the barrier a few days ago."

"It seems that there is a good show to watch."

"Mengxin finally showed up, I thought he was too scared to register."

Many people in the temple showed smirks, wanting to let this Mengxin know the authority and power of the senior.

"Mirror! How dare you show up in the church! It happens to be the grievance between us, so we can settle it properly."

A group of people from Xia Zigu walked into the temple, looking for a mission to pick up, and then they saw Yun Jinli.

(End of this chapter)

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