Chapter 840 Rules of Temple Bounty

"No, I have to rush over there, otherwise I'll be bullied by others, and that would be boring."

As soon as Tian Wujue said that, he ran to the temple excitedly. He didn't know the news that several people in Xia Zigu were directly maimed, so he was so excited.

In the temple, Yun Jinli looked at the reward missions on the spar wall. There were quite a few of these reward missions, and the rewards for each mission were very generous. One mission actually had a thousand star rewards.

It is extremely difficult to earn star points in the holy palace. The holy hall is a place that consumes star points. Only the rewards in the holy temple can support everyone's cultivation.

"Student, you can follow up on these bounties. The bounty missions are different every day, and you can also complete them in a team. If you can complete all the missions on each map, you can get a mysterious treasure chest as a reward."

Senior Bailiche said, luckily he didn't make a move, so there is still a chance to make friends with Jing.

"There are a total of five maps with rewards, and each map has five reward tasks. Will you be rewarded with a mysterious treasure chest if you complete all of them?"

Yun Jinli asked, this reward task is related to the star point, she wants to understand it carefully.

She also has no way to use the training room now, because there is no time for the Dragon Ranking Challenge once a month.

It's best for her to do the reward task first, accumulate enough star points, and then she can practice with peace of mind.

She knew that Bei Chenjue was cultivating hard, so she had to work hard.

She will go back to Huangyun Continent in the future to avenge herself and her father, if she has no strength, how can she talk about revenge?
She is the queen of Huangyun, and one day the king will return.

That day, it won't be long!
It's just that before going back, she still needs to find a way to solve a problem, that is, the secret her mother and concubine once told her.

She and another self cannot appear on the same continent.

This problem must be solved, otherwise it will be death if you go back.

There is one more thing she doesn't know, if she hasn't died, where is her body now?
"As long as you complete the five reward tasks on any map."

Baili Che replied that everyone knows the rules of offering rewards in the temple.

"How do you form a team?"

Yun Jinli asked, feeling that it would be more cost-effective to form a team for this reward task.

You can get the most star points in the shortest time.

"Registering in the temple together is considered to be a team, and the star points obtained by the team are divided equally."

Baili Che told her that she basically understood the reward rules of the temple.

But it's one thing to know, Yun Jinli is new here, who should he find as a team?

"Thank you for letting me know, you guys accept the reward task first, I'll find out first."

She got out of the way and let others go to pick up the reward task.

Seeing that she didn't occupy there, everyone's impression of her improved a lot.

"Where is Mengxin?"

Tian Wujue finally arrived at the temple, and immediately asked loudly, for fear that Mengxin would run away.

Seeing someone rushing over, as if they still wanted to trouble Mengxin, the seniors present showed expressions of watching a show.

"Are you looking for me?"

The corner of Yun Jinli's lips curled up into a dangerous arc, she looked at Tian Wujue, and walked towards him slowly.

Tian Wujue looked at Yun Jinli who was walking from the crowd, her delicate face made her look so pleasing to the eye.

Wearing a blue robe, she was like a peaceful blue sky and clear sea water.

She walked step by step, like an elegant lady stepping out of an ancient picture scroll.

He rubbed his eyes and shook out the cranky thoughts in his head, and then he remembered his purpose for coming.

"Are you the newcomer who just entered the church? The first mirror on the Wenhua list?"

"It's me. You want to fight?"

Yun Jinli looked at Tian Wujue, and asked bluntly, which made him freeze in place.

 Do you like to read fantasy novels for boys?

  Recommend a free fantasy novel by a male god. If you don’t read it, I hope you can go to it for friendship and encouragement.

  The title of the book is Duan Chenfeng, the author of "Super Soldier King of Another World". ^_^

(End of this chapter)

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