Chapter 841 This Mengxin is too calm

"Why do you think it shouldn't be like this? Why is Mengxin not afraid at all?"

Tian Wujue felt something was wrong, this Mengxin was too calm, right?

Yun Jinli saw that the senior who came to find fault was actually in a daze, this is an interesting senior.

"That's right! I'm here to discuss with my juniors, so please click as far as you can, so you don't have to be afraid."

Tian Wujue came back to his senses, and immediately spoke.

But just as his words fell, Bai Li slapped him away with a paw.

This guy didn't say anything too annoying, but anyone who came to find fault would be shot.


Tian Wujue was unprepared, and was shot flying by Bai Li, and his body hit the wall. Although he didn't suffer any injuries, it was so embarrassing!
He was still not convinced, and wanted to go forward again, but was held back.

"Master, who pulls me? Don't let anyone stop me!"

"it's me."

Yin Kong's cold voice fell, making Tian Wujue jump in fright.

"Kong, are you trying to scare me to death?"

Tian Wujue did not expect Yin Kong to appear, and looked at him in surprise.

"I didn't expect Master Kong to come here to bully Mengxin."

Tian Wujue said in surprise, it seems that Yinkong's nature is also very bad, and his usual coldness is just pretending.

"Or, are you here to save Mengxin?"

He thinks this possibility is more likely. Yin Kong, who has always been aloof from the world, may have felt compassion for Meng Xin.

Yun Jinli saw another man coming, but this man was very special, he came in a wheelchair.

Moreover, he looks very beautiful. It is not appropriate to describe a man as beautiful, but this man is really very beautiful.

"I'm here to save you."

What Yin Kong said made Tian Wujue dumbfounded.

"Save me? Are you kidding me! What do I have to save?"

Tianwu said unconvinced, could he not even beat a small freshman?

Could it be that he was bullied?

"I just got the news that Xia Zigu and others came to make trouble first, and now the whole group is lying in the Xuanhu Medical Center, and they may not be able to get out of bed within a month."

Yin Kong said lightly, Tian Wujue was so frightened that his back felt cold.

"Hey, don't Xia Zigu and the others have several supreme masters? The key is that they have a lot of people!"

Tian Wujue asked in a low voice, with a bewildered look on his face.

"Many people can't stand the spiritual pet of an adult beast. I heard that they were smashed into mud by a bird."

Yin Kong raised his eyes and glanced at Yun Jinli. This handsome young man was the one who broke his record.

He is indeed a young talent, with a beautiful appearance and a dignified appearance.

That exquisite appearance, coupled with her noble temperament, made him feel that this young man was very impressive.

It doesn't have the vulgarity of ordinary people, but has a kind of detached aura.

"In Xiayinkong, my friend was reckless just now, please forgive me."

Yin Kong said politely, and nodded slightly to Yun Jinli in greeting.

Seeing Yin Kong appearing, many people showed awe.

He is a master on the Long Zun Ranking, and his strength is very powerful. It is difficult to see him except for receiving rewards.

When everyone sees him, they will respectfully address him as "Lord Kong", which shows that his status is very high.

"I am the mirror."

Yun Jinli said calmly, her eyes didn't change at all.

"If you don't beat him, you don't know each other. Anyway, he was the one who was beaten. I have nothing to lose."

What she said made Tian Wujue feel very shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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