Chapter 870

"Woman, you have really opened your mouth. There is a treasure here."

God Luanqing suddenly became excited.

"Oh? Is there anything good that can make you even interested?"

Yun Jinli was quite curious, but the great god Luanqing had a very high vision.

"I smelled a faint scent of spiritual leaves, with a bit of thunderous destructive air."

The great god Luanqing said, he remembered this special breath.

"If there is no accident, there must be a Xuanlei tree in this deep pit, and it has grown leaves."

"Could it be Xuanleiye? Isn't that a treasure that can strengthen the physical body and help illusionists resist thunder disasters?"

Bai Li's eyes sparkled, and he also smelled the special spirit leaf fragrance.

His sense of smell is very sensitive, and the smell is stronger than that smelled by Luan Qing.

"This is what Xiao Jin needs most now."

The Illusory Spiritualist will go through the tribulation after the emperor level, and only after passing through the triple catastrophe can he become the supreme and step into the supreme realm.

If the tribulation fails, it will be wiped out and there will be no bones left.But the thunder calamity was so terrible that countless emperor-level phantom spirit masters were wiped out.

Therefore, more and more phantom spirit masters are looking for Xuanleiye, and they are also trying various methods to resist the catastrophe of the sky thunder.

Some make armor shields, some weave defensive armor and so on.

But the most effective thing is the improvement of the strength of the physical body.In particular, the increase in the strength of the physical body to resist the Thunder's power is even more fundamental.

Bei Chenjue is tempering in the Thunder Pond now, in order to improve his body's endurance.

Xuanlei Ye is such a spiritual leaf with the reputation of transcending robbery leaves.

The phantom spirit master refines the profound thunder leaf, can obtain the power of the profound thunder, and then use the power of the profound thunder to temper the body.

At that time, the physical body's resistance to thunder will be raised to an extremely terrifying level.Although it can't completely resist the thunder disaster, it can produce a strong boost.

It was once rumored that nine out of ten illusionists with the help of Xuanleiye could survive the thunder disaster.And the other person, even if he didn't make it through, he wouldn't die.

It can be seen from this that the Xuanlei leaf mentioned by the Great God Luanqing is really precious.

"Although the Xuanleiye is not as good as the legendary Thunder Spirit Fruit, it is a life-saving fetish for the Huanling Emperor who has crossed the catastrophe. Unfortunately, the Xuanleiye has a huge flaw."

Master Luanqing has lived for a long time, so he naturally knows the strengths and weaknesses of Xuanleiye.

In this world, besides the Xuanlei leaf, there is also a kind of divine fruit that can resist thunder disasters. It is the thunder spirit fruit borne by the God Tree of Heavenly Thunder Myriad Tribulations. It is said that after eating it, it is a super divine fruit that can resist taboo thunder disasters.

But that's just a legendary divine fruit, I don't know if it really exists.

"I know. The reason why this deep pit is covered up is because a mysterious thunder tree grew, but when it was discovered, it may not have grown complete leaves."

Bai Li said, it was a great surprise to find this Xuanlei leaf.

Listening to their conversation, Yun Jinli also knew the preciousness of Xuan Lei Ye, and her heart was filled with excitement.

"Ninety-nine are inseparable! But fortunately, Xuanleiye has now condensed into shape."

Great God Luan Qing nodded, it seems that only in a place like Longyuan where the aura is extremely rich, can Xuan Lei Ye be condensed.

This woman is already the Huanling Emperor, and if she goes any higher, she will cross the catastrophe and step into the realm of supremacy.

This Xuanlei leaf, known as the leaf of crossing the catastrophe, can undoubtedly provide this woman with a layer of powerful protection for crossing the catastrophe.

Even if the tribulation fails, one life can be left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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