Chapter 871

"Since the predecessors discovered this place and covered it up, then it should be a good time to come here?"

Yun Jinli raised this point, and now that Xuan Lei Ye has condensed and formed, the other party may come at any time.

"So, act quickly!"

The Great God Luanqing jumped a few times in mid-air like a chicken blood, waving his fiery red wings and rushed forward, losing any demeanor of a great God, which made Yun Jinli and Bai Li look amused.

It seems that God Luanqing is more anxious than her.

But think about it, the stronger she is, the more capital she has to save her life. Can God Luanqing, whose life is closely related to her, not be in a hurry?

Just as the domineering God Luanqing opened the way, all the demon spirits and magic vines in the entire corridor were burned by the terrible flames that bloomed from the great god's wings.

Thus, Yun Jinli relaxed happily, and followed closely behind with Bai Li.

After a while, the terrain of the stone cave corridor gradually decreased, and there was a tendency towards the center of the earth.

After completely leaving the demonic vine tunnel, Yun Jinli reached the end and saw a spring.

The top of the spring is covered with countless colorful stalactites, dreamlike stalactites, emitting a soft rainbow halo in the dark.

Drops of crystal water dripped down the tip of the stalactite, forming a Lingquan below.

The spring water is crystal clear and crystal clear.

"Look there! Mysterious Lightning Tree! The leaves are really condensed."

Bai Li said to Yun Jinli, pointing in the direction with his little paw.

A small sapling, shrouded in silver-purple mist, grew in the crack of a big rock in the center of Lingquan.The dense and slender roots have already penetrated into the spring water and spread throughout the bottom of the Lingquan.

It seems that the water from the whole Lingquan is used to cultivate this little purple sapling.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is, on the little purple sapling, there are actually two palm-sized purple leaves.

The Xuanlei leaf looks like a two-petal heart, with silver thunder patterns all over the leaves, shining with silver light.

A few faint and tiny purple arcs of brilliance flowed up and down the mysterious thunder tree.

"This is really a miracle of heaven and earth!"

The great god Luanqing couldn't help admiring, although it wasn't the first time he saw Xuanlei Ye, but when he saw it again, he still couldn't help but marvel.

"It seems that this place is originally a spiritual spring where spiritual energy gathers, but because of the budding of this mysterious thunder tree, all the energy of the spiritual spring was absorbed by it, thus surpassing the good fortune of the world and creating these two profound thunder leaves. "

Yun Jinli said, carefully observing the surrounding situation.

"Master, can you be sure that this Xuanlei leaf is ready to be picked?"

"It's ok! Thunderlane has grown up and has enough strength."

The Great God Luanqing was extremely determined.

"Then I'm going to pick the spiritual leaves."

Bai Li opened his mouth and said that he wanted to pick the Xuanlei leaves as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

"Wait first! I always feel that there is an unusual aura around here. If it is as expected, there must be hidden dangers here, so be careful."

Yun Jinli said cautiously, but wherever there are treasures, it will not be so safe.

"The place where the treasure grows is probably guarded by fierce beasts."

Bai Li smelled the smell in the air and found the source of the fishy smell.

"come out!"

He jumped up abruptly, grabbed the air with his claws, and yelled loudly.

"Fortunately, you are still a beast, how wretched is hiding?"

The next moment, he heard a loud roar.


The water from the spiritual spring splashed in all directions, and a roar suddenly came out.

(End of this chapter)

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