Chapter 877 Lying is not a good boy

He was very witty, knowing that if he pretended to be asleep, Her Majesty the Queen would definitely go berserk, and then she would pull his feathers.

So he turned into a human form, now let's see what she's talking about?
"Pretending to be asleep? If you don't wake up, don't blame me for being cruel."

Yun Jinli said from the side, a dark smile appeared on her beautiful face.

Bai Li didn't react at all when he saw the Great God Luanqing. If he didn't know this guy's temperament, he would really think that he was in a coma.

He also agreed that Yun Jinli should be more ruthless, the Great God Luanqing must know something, but it's not kind to lose the chain at this time.

"Okay! Very good! You continue to pretend."

Yun Jinli saw that the Great God Luanqing was still pretending to be asleep, so a bottle of chili powder appeared in the palm of his hand and sprinkled it on the Great God's nose.


Master Luanqing sneezed violently, his nose burning.

"Dead woman! What kind of poisonous powder did you sprinkle on this god?"

He was furious, did this woman dare to be so bad?
"Chaotian chili powder."

Yun Jinli blinked her eyes and told him to pretend to be asleep, continue!
"Do you want more? I still have more."

"Woman, I'm going to kill you."

The great god Luanqing jumped up from the bed, and said with bared teeth and claws, showing a vicious look.

"bring it on!"

Yun Jinli was sitting at the side, and said calmly, with a calm and elegant smile like a queen on her face.

Seeing her calm look, Master Luanqing felt very angry.

If it weren't for this damn contract, he would turn this woman into ashes!
"Hmph! This great god doesn't have the same knowledge as a little mortal like you."

The arrogant master turned his head with a look of haughty disdain.

"Then does the great god know where the prison phoenix is?"

Yun Jinli looked at God Luanqing and asked a question.

"do not know!"

Master Luanqing gave a very straightforward answer, which was so fast that Yun Jinli didn't believe it.

"It's not a good boy to lie, God, tell the truth!"

Yun Jinli said with a smile, looking shrewdly at God Luanqing.

She has the ability to read minds. Although she can't read the inner thoughts of the Great God Luanqing, she can tell whether he is lying or not by observing his words and expressions.

"Cough cough."

Master Luanqing coughed in embarrassment, to cover up his little flustered heart.

Her Majesty the Queen is too smart, and the Great God is under a lot of pressure.

"Anyway, I just don't know. It's useless for you to look at me again. I'll put up an enchantment to sleep, and you slowly sprinkle chili powder."

The dead pig of Luanqing said without fear of boiling water. After speaking, he really created a barrier with his divine power, and then lay down on the bed with his legs crossed and fell asleep.

"If you work hard, you may not succeed, but if you don't work hard, wow ha ha ha, it's so comfortable!"

The Great God did not forget to hit Her Majesty the Queen, and swayed his long legs, that gesture was really lazy.

"God gave you a pair of wings, so you should be roasted. Little red bird, don't be complacent."

Yun Jinli glared at him, next time if she seized the opportunity, he would be dead.

She failed to get some useful clues from the Great God Luanqing, but Feng Liuyue helped her find a lot of information.

"Li'er, I found some clues in Wangji Building, are you free to come over now?"

Feng Liuyue sent an interrogation and asked.

"Where is the Wangji Building? I'll go there right away."

Yun Jinli replied.

"To the east, you can see a tall building in the shape of a white bird. It's the Wangji Building. You can enter by showing your jade badge. I'm on the fifth floor."

Feng Liuyue sat on a chair, and on the table in front of her were stacks of tall books, bamboo slips, scrolls and jade slips.

(End of this chapter)

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