Chapter 878 An Unspeakable Concern

There are many materials in the Wangji building, which are provided for the students of the holy hall to read.

Sheng Lian was also called to look for information, and he was with her when he had nothing to do.

While he was flipping through the books, his peripheral vision fell on Feng Liuyue.

Her face is beautiful, but her temperament is as cold as ice.

Even as his master, sometimes he feels that she is very far away, as if she is as far away as the bright moon in the sky.

A gust of breeze blows slowly, brushing the ends of his hair, his fingers resting on the pages of the book, he can't help recalling bits and pieces of his past.

A piece of paper is fleeting, and half of life is floating, like a big dream.

In the season when the snow cherry blossoms bloom, the fragrance of the flowers intoxicates the white birds on the branches, and the petals dye the green grass red.

He had seen her when she was still a baby in her swaddling arms, sleeping peacefully in the wooden cradle.

With a small face carved in pink and jade, the whole person exudes a strong aura.

When she felt someone approaching, she opened a pair of glass-like pupils, and at that moment, his face was reflected in her pupils.

That pair of eyes as cold as ice and snow, seemed to carry the lonely coldness of a lifetime of wind and rain, broke into his heart without warning, and slammed into his eyes.

"I have never accepted an apprentice in my life, from now on, you will be my apprentice."

He opened his mouth and said, accepting her as his apprentice.

Whether she is willing or not, he has become her master so willfully.

Because he and her parents are close friends, they are happy to see this matter come true.

It's just that he has always been a loner, and he is not good at coaxing children. No one is sure how long his patience will last.

For her first step, he led her along.

The first sentence she babbled, he remembered the cute immaturity.

She never cried, nor was she noisy like ordinary children, she was always quiet and cold.

He called her Little Crescent Moon, but she didn't like it at first, she didn't like such a childish name.

However, he insisted on calling it that way, always feeling that she was just a child and shouldn't be so cold and hard.

Over time, I got used to it, so I let him call it.

She is not mature enough to be a child, but he also clumsily doesn't know how to be a good teacher.

Fortunately, it was her, so even if he was not good at getting along with people, she never minded.

She treats everyone so indifferently, as if she has seen through the cycle of life and death.

Xia Lei is bursting, and winter snow is colorful.

Time flies by, and she has grown from a toddler to beautiful petals blooming like a bud, and she is gradually slim.

He spent thousands of years of loneliness alone, and never felt any discomfort.

It's just that after accepting an apprentice, he always felt an unspeakable concern in his heart.

The loneliness and coldness in her eyes made him feel distressed.

He still remembered her small figure, standing under the crape myrtle tree and dancing with her sword, with a serious and focused expression.

I also remember that she carried a bamboo basket, picked up the scattered crape myrtle flowers, and let the petals go with the flowing water.

And the paper cranes she folded hung all over the house, but she didn't know who she was praying for.

On festivals to commemorate the dead, she would put lotus lanterns into the river and sit by the river alone until dawn.

At such a young age, what he did was hard to see through.

Feng Liuyue has always been unhappy, she never said it, but he could feel it.

She has too deep thoughts, hidden in her heart, never told others to listen.

Shenglian didn't know how to make her happy, it seemed that nothing could make her happy.

He originally thought that she would always be like this, that she would not change, that no one could make her change.

(End of this chapter)

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