The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 935 Is it really a living person?

Chapter 935 Is it really a living person?

Yun Jinli entered the sea of ​​clouds, and in the flowing clouds of white mist, one could see a series of white-haired old men, skinny as sticks.

They were already as thin as dry wood, and they looked like skeletons floating in the wind, which shocked Yun Jinli a lot.

Their expressions were numb and dazed, their faces were haggard, and their bodies exuded a terrifying and powerful aura, but there was a dead silence.

"Is this... really a living person?"

She felt that there was blood in their bodies, and they didn't seem to be ghosts, but they looked like ghosts.

"That's right, we approached them quietly, and found that they are not only living people, but also powerful people above the supreme level, and they are all immortals who have lived for tens of millions of years."

Bai Li said to Yun Jinli via voice transmission, the undead are really a terrifying race.

Even if you don't practice, you can survive. In this kind of place where the aura is dense and condensed into clouds, you can survive to the Supreme even if you suffer.

If they hadn't experienced the thunder disaster, I'm afraid they would be even stronger.

"Then we have to be careful."

Yun Jinli carefully walked through the sea of ​​clouds, these clouds were actually formed by the condensed spiritual energy, it would scare people to death if they said it.

"Look! The Fountain of Immortality!"

Baili's little paw pointed at the surging fountain in the sea of ​​clouds, and the crystal water drops fell like pearls.

Among the floating clouds, such a beautiful fountain is like a crystal flower blooming, so beautiful.

"Is that the Nine Soul Jade?"

Yun Jinli saw under the crystal-clear Fountain of Immortality, a glazed purple soul jade in the shape of a twelfth-grade lotus platform, lying quietly in the middle of the Fountain of Immortality, glowing with auspicious colors.

This lotus platform should have been used to place the Ziyue Lingzhu, no wonder it can accommodate the Five Spirit Flowers.

"Woman, look over there!"

The great god Luanqing said suddenly, with a bit of panic in his voice.


When Yun Jinli took a closer look, she saw mummified corpses around the Fountain of Immortality, which looked shocking.

If you observe carefully, you can find that their expressions before death are all desperate.

"Among these people, many of them are from the undead race. You can tell by their clothes, they are the same as the undead race."

She was surprised by this, and didn't understand why there were so many undead people approaching the fountain of the undead one after another.

"Of course, if you don't have a key to the gate of nothingness of the undead, you can only wait for a chance to open it once in 500 years. Although there are some outsiders, the number is not many after all."

God Luanqing also saw the situation of these people. In this special place, these mummy corpses have not rotted for thousands of years, and they really look very infiltrating.

"Judging from the aura emanating from the corpses of these people, it can be determined that their strength is above the Supreme, but at this moment, it seems that no matter how strong they are, it is useless."

He said solemnly, if his guess is correct, this fountain of immortality is left by the goddess of creation to protect the nine soul jades.

"If this fountain of immortality does not exist naturally, then it appeared here specially to protect the nine soul jades. I still have a puzzled question, that is, these undead people, since they know the origin of the fountain of immortality Dangerous, why do you still come to this place?"

Yun Jinli expressed her doubts, and these mysteries lingered in her heart, making her feel puzzled.

"Why do these people die of thirst by the spring? Could it be that this fountain of immortality really cannot be drunk?"

"You can see that there are fish in the fountain of immortality, which means the water is not poisonous."

God Luanqing said.

(End of this chapter)

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