The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 936 is the patriarch of the undead

Chapter 936 is the patriarch of the undead

Yun Jinli saw a school of small silver translucent fish swimming in the Immortal Spring.

Schools of fish look like a silvery light shining in the water.

"someone is coming."

The great god Luanqing said suddenly, and immediately hid in the sea of ​​clouds.

Yun Jinli also quickly hid, this is the central area of ​​the undead, if someone finds out, it will definitely be very lively.

Bai Li also hid neatly, and looked towards Yunwai with his beady eyes.

An undead man with a dazed expression came to the Fountain of Immortality, with a look of madness in his eyes, and rushed towards the restricted area of ​​the Fountain of Immortality.

Yun Jinli noticed that there was a circle of light around the Fountain of Immortality, within that circle was a dangerous forbidden area, and outside the circle was a safe area.

At this moment, that undead man broke through that arc of light, wanting to rush into the fountain of undead. However, the next moment, Yun Jinli saw that his body began to show signs of lack of water, and he was as thin as a stick. His body suddenly became more skinny.

He fell on the edge of the Immortal Fountain, and like everyone else, he could only watch the Immortal Fountain helplessly, and could no longer approach it.

The water on his body was getting less and less, as if it had been evaporated.

He couldn't move, lying on the ground with a look of despair, just like everyone else.

"My dear! Is this the end of the game?"

God Luanqing originally wanted to go in and give it a try, but now he has no such idea.

"Not good, a large number of people are coming, let's hide to the side."

Yun Jinli sensed that a large number of people had gathered, and quickly hid in a more secluded place.


A group of old men rushed over and looked at the dying man, who seemed to have experienced a huge blow, and wept bitterly.

Seeing such a large group of old grandpas and old ladies crying, Yun Jinli felt uncomfortable.

They cried desperately, their voices were old and hoarse.

"Outsiders, we know you are nearby, come out!"

At this moment, a white-haired figure slowly approached, obviously still far away, and appeared in front of the light arc the next moment.

It was a pale-haired man, full of powerful aura, his face was not as old as others, but young.

"I am the patriarch of the undead, Shen Yao."

The voice of the undead patriarch Shen Yao fell clearly, making people feel that he exists in every place between this world.

Yun Jinli knew that they had been discovered, perhaps Shen Yao had already discovered them when they first came in.

Seeing them coming out, the group of old men were still crying and did not look at them at all.

"You don't need to be afraid. The undead have been guarding this place for generations, waiting for the destined person of the nine soul jades. It's a pity that we have waited for countless years, but we have not waited for that person."

Shen Yao said slowly, he has been waiting for too long, and his poor people.

"Dare to say that we have been discovered a long time ago, and they don't want to talk to us at all."

Bai Li was dumbfounded and said, they were cautious and hiding along the way, and now they feel so ashamed.

"Why don't you leave here? Are you tired of waiting?"

Yun Jinli looked at Shen Yao's white hair, and then at the weeping old men.

They have been waiting for someone, but they don't know if that person will come, or even if that person exists, why are they still waiting?

If it was her, she would definitely feel too tired.

1 years is too long, and it's still in this place where there is nothing.

 Good morning, little snowflake!
  It is estimated that a chapter will be updated in about half an hour today, and the meal and lunch break will be counted separately!
(End of this chapter)

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