Chapter 967

"What happened just now? Why did the lamp demon suddenly attack?"

Bai Li looked at the Great God Luanqing, and couldn't help joking.

"It seems that the great god's method is not reliable!"

"But you can't deny that it worked out well, right?"

Master Luanqing said arrogantly, firmly refusing to admit that there were mistakes or omissions in his method.

"It must be that lamp demon, a bit silly."

"There are always exceptions to everything. How can there be absolutes? Just pass it, don't worry about the details."

Yun Jinli nodded and beckoned everyone to move on.

After a while, everyone walked through the end of the corridor, where there was a stone gate.

When they walked to the door, the stone door opened upward by itself.

"Go in and have a look, there is no other way to go anyway."

Feng Qingyun said.

He walked in first, followed by everyone, and arrived at a magnificent and huge stone hall.

At this moment, the stone hall is already overcrowded, and groups of three and four stay in their respective piles, and the camps of the major forces are clearly defined.

Yun Jinli took a glance and found that many strong men were more or less wounded.

"It seems that those who can come here have already experienced different dangers in the corridor." Bai Li said.

"The number of people has decreased a lot compared to before."

Yun Jinli made up her mind and said.


Feng Qingyun replied slyly, this honesty is so straightforward that people can't laugh or cry.

"Next, we may have to separate."

Sheng Lian, who had been silent all this time, said suddenly, stretching out her hand and pointing at the stone wall in front of her.

"Could it be... Shihai Demon Cliff and Kunlun Gate of Life and Death?"

God Luanqing looked up, and saw a huge stone wall in front of him, covered with densely packed ancient characters.

Every complicated ancient text is gray.And when someone uses spiritual power to light it up, it will shine golden light.

Lit up one word at a time, it can be merged into different poems, and then open the Kunlun Gate of Life and Death, and enter different places.

The door of life leads to life, and the door of death leads to death. No one can predict it, and no one can refuse it.

This is a legend that the outside world has known for a long time, but they did not expect it to come from this peerless tomb.

He briefly introduced the Shihai Demon Cliff and the Kunlun Gate of Life and Death to everyone, so that Yun Jinli and the others could understand the general rules.

"Thousands of words can form endless lines of poetry, which is worthy of the Demon Cliff of the Sea of ​​Poetry."

Yun Jinli looked at this majestic and huge stone wall, and it was really full of mystery, but not everyone could understand the uneven embossed characters.

"It's no wonder that these people didn't rush to go up. It turned out that they wanted to light up the poems one by one."

Bai Li said suddenly, suddenly felt that he was too focused on cultivation before, so that he didn't care about other things.

It seems that God Luanqing used to be a master who loved to run around, otherwise he wouldn't be so knowledgeable.

"Am I the only one who is curious, what kind of situation is the door of life, and what kind of situation is the door of death?"

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

Yun Jinli was also curious, so she stood aside and watched the others pass first.

This peerless tomb does not know how many supreme beings have been buried, it can be said that it is really a tomb of supreme beings.

It's not whoever goes fastest is the winner, but whoever goes last is the winner.

After entering here, her Bianhua Bronze Mirror sensed the breath of Bianhua, but it was still far away from them, so it was impossible to determine the exact location.

At this time, a supreme powerhouse, after lighting up the words and composing them into verses, opened a door that was shining with gray light.

What will be his result?
 No.13 more!
(End of this chapter)

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