Chapter 968 No one can pass
"No! I don't want to go in!"

Seeing the gray door opened, his face changed suddenly in fright, and he fled out of the stone hall screaming in horror on the spot.

However, the gray door was suddenly locked by suction, forcefully sucking him in.

Even if he is a supreme master, he can't resist.

With a "bang", the gray door closed heavily, causing the hearts of everyone present to tremble.

So for a while, no one dared to step forward to light up the text and open the door of life and death in Kunlun.

"Looking at this gray door is the door of death."

When Yun Jinli saw this person's expression of fear, he must have died in the future.


God Luanqing said.

"I come."

After a long while, a supreme master rolled up his sleeves.

Under the sprinkling of spiritual power, the ancient characters on the Shihai Demon Cliff lit up one after another.

With a confident look on his face, he felt that he would definitely be able to pass.

Many people can't understand these ancient characters at all, so they can only be blind, but some people rely on some clues left by the predecessors to come here to break the barrier of life and death.

However, as the Kunlun Gate of Life and Death opened, a gray light shone, which made everyone gasp again in fright.

"It's the gate of death again!"

"This Shihai Demon Cliff is too difficult!"

"I'm afraid no one will be able to pass."

"Why? The predecessors clearly passed it like this?"

The supreme powerhouse looked bewildered, and he was sucked into the door of death on the spot, like a stone sinking into the sea, and he couldn't be shocked.

"Another supreme powerhouse, just gone."

"I can't even recognize the meaning of these words, how can I pass?"

"It's really stupid."

A supreme powerhouse sneered disdainfully.

"This Poetry Sea Devil Cliff can recognize poetry! How can the poems that have been lit up before be fooled? It would be strange if they were not sent to the gate of death."

When his voice fell, everyone panicked.

It seems that you must not click on the same poem as the previous one, this poem can only be lit once.

"Another thing to remind you, if you don't come up with the poem yourself, you will be judged as cheating, and the result will be death!"

"Does that mean you want to create your own lines?"


A large group of exclamations sounded, and the faces of many supreme powerhouses changed.

It's okay for them to use force, but if they want to talk about texts, it will be difficult for a large number of people.

They value martial arts and despise literature, and they don't bother with weak literati colleagues.

"This person is the Supreme of the Xia Clan, and he comes from the holy hall."

Feng Liuyue frowned suddenly, recognizing the person who spoke just now.

"It seems that the Xia Clan has concealed the mystery of the map."

Feng Qingyun said, after all, people from other forces present didn't know the details of the Shihai Demon Cliff at all, but people from the Xia Clan knew.

Isn't this enough to show that the half map of the underground palace explored by the Xia Clan is actually a way to crack it with traps?

It's just that the Xia Clan is too cunning, and they didn't mark the method of cracking the mechanism trap on the map at all, so that other forces who got the rubbing version were directly behind the Xia Clan.

"But I don't know the people of the Xia Clan. Why do you want to remind everyone of this secret?"

"He wants more people to explore the way. After all, this is just the beginning. If everyone retreats, who will explore the dangerous traps ahead?"

Yun Jinli felt that the other party seemed to be kindly reminding him, but in fact he had other plans.

At this time, a supreme powerhouse pondered for a long time, and suddenly stepped forward to light up the words.

Under the shining golden light, a door of green light opened.

 No.14 more!
(End of this chapter)

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