Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 741 Playing with Little Xihuang 2

Chapter 741 Playing with Little Xihuang 2
She covered her hot face with her hands.

I felt very ashamed at the time, but now that I think about it, my heart is sweet.

At that time, she really didn't expect that she would end up with Prince Xi Gu.

Swiping away the waste in his mind, Ling Weifeng began to read the information.

The information obtained by Prince Xi was exactly the same as what Bai Feifei gave her.

Is she really suspicious?

However, if she really thought too much, how could Zhou Meige's momentary astonishment be explained?

Just at this time, Prince Xi Gu came out of the shower.

The heater was on in the room, so he only wore a towel around his waist.

Wiping hair with a towel.

Mischievous drops of water dripped from the hair to the broad shoulders, and then slid along the honey-colored skin over the toned chest.

Go down slowly, submerging in the edge of the towel.

Indescribably sexy and wild.

Ling Weifeng glanced at it, and turned away unconsciously.

It's beautiful, but embarrassing.

Seeing her shy look, Prince Xi smiled even wider.

He circled around in front of her somewhat wickedly, and stood carelessly.

Show off your good figure without hesitation.

However, the expression on his face was very gentlemanly.

"Do you have any questions?"

Her gloomy look just now seemed to be very puzzled.

Ling Weifeng put her eyes on the tablet, "Xihuang, do you think Zhou Meige did it?"

Prince Xi frowned, "Although I had doubts at first, thinking that these things were beyond Zhou Meige's ability, but later I sent someone to investigate again, and the conclusion I came to was the same."

He said, pressed a few times on the tablet, and then called up a file.

"This is the confession of all the people involved in this matter. Those people were interrogated separately, but the results of the interrogation were the same."

He knew what Ling Weifeng was suspicious of, so he called out who Zhou Meige had arranged for, and how to manage the process of murdering Ling Weifeng.

The information that Prince Xi found was more detailed than what Bai Feifei found.

Those who participated in the crime were found first by Prince Xi Gu's people, and Bai Feifei was a step behind.

So those confessions are only available here from Prince Xi Gu.

After reading all the materials, Ling Weifeng couldn't find any flaws.

All statements were correct.

And the whole thing happened clearly.

Nothing goes wrong.

From this point of view, she was really overwhelmed.

Ling Weifeng rubbed her temples, could it be that there were too many things during this time, so she became suspicious.

It seems that she needs to relax.

Putting down the documents in her hand, she only realized later that just now Prince Xi Gu was sitting behind her, and his hands were stretched out from beside her to flip through the documents.

In other words, she was completely held in his arms.

And he had no clothes on.

Such intimate contact made Ling Weifeng's face blush again.

Her breath was full of his masculine breath, which made her blush and heartbeat.

Some moved his body uncomfortably, "Aren't you cold?"

What she meant was, put on your clothes quickly.

But he didn't want Prince Xi to put his hands away, hug her in his arms, put his chin on her shoulder, and blow into her ear.

"I'm very hot."

His tone was low and hoarse, with a hint of lust.

Ling Weifeng was a little flustered, "It's winter, how can it be hot?"

She is no longer the little girl who was poor and useless in this regard. After being trained by Prince Xi Gu for so long, she naturally knows what he means by heat.

It's just that she was very embarrassed, so she could only deliberately not understand.


  The update is over, good night~
  Thank you for the reward of smile in June, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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